Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Reveal Thread!

couldn’t be happier for my only railer


Everything about this is great except for how many times the main dude says “special”.


In 3rd place with 7 points

Song: Overbite
Artist: Fightmilk

this one is the high climber of this morning. it’s probably a very talented group making a power-pop ballad so i’m a hypocrite for trashing the bleachers dude.

but i like the energy, the lyrics are cute (“Now is it me, or do you always seem a little disappointed / It’s just your allergies”). fightmilk is an awesome band name and video is cool.

having more fun than before.


You did good work this morning.

Happy with a bronze here.


In 2nd place with 8 points

Song: Electric Fence
Artist: Ruby

this a somewhat tiny song with a fairly strong hipster vibe, but i liked it from the first listen. it’s an electro pop whatever song where you wouldn’t expect the lyrics to be anything but they are actually surprisingly good. i also couldn’t find much about this act online so that’s some nice digging by whoever sent it.

had fun.


in 1st place with 9 points

Song: Ameno Amapiano
Artist: Goya Menor & Nektunez

Commentary: apparently this is big on TikTok right now? Anyway, according to youtube comments it’s a social commentary against cults in Africa.

this isn’t a ‘good’ song by any means, but i ended up giving 1st place decision on which song i’m the happiest to have learned about (happy being a relative term, no one can be truly happy if he doesn’t have a gif ape)

a Beninese-Nigerian production that is a hit on tiktok? i’m into knowing that.
cool ass video? yes.
actual positive social-political message maybe? cool beans.
catchy ass hook? fine you win.

give it a listen, you’ll probably all want to bambam.

edit - i also learned about Ampiano which is apparently a music genre originated in south africa. walrus should be an educational experience.


congrats the the winner. hope others actually read/listen to it later, otherwise just give all the points to @eyebooger


do your reveals already you lazy fucks.


I keep telling myself I’ll join the next one but I have a very narrow knowledge of music and get very self conscious that I won’t be able to think of a song that fits a criteria and researching seems like hard work


research is fun though. that was the point of my category. you see how we all had fun?


It’s really not.

Usually half the time I have a song in mind already. It doesn’t take that long to search for others.

Pretty solid set of songs in this batch. 7th through 5th was a little rough, but the rest were great.

Mine - I heard this going through some Spotify year in review thingies some friends shared. I don’t listen to much like this but found it pretty catchy - I think I had listened to it a total of 3 times before I submitted it to you so not really surprised it doesn’t hold up to more listens over time.

Still, your ranking is incorrect and you should have trusted your earlier instincts in putting it on the podium.

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Ok just got through the whole reveal - thanks Yuv! Was planning to rail but wasn’t sure what timezone you were in, so checked in a few times in recent hours but it hadn’t kicked off yet.

Do you have any recollection of a grab bag where there were more strong entries for you? I’m curious to get a better handle on where your preferences are.

To everyone else - please do claim your entries when you get a chance - it means I need to do less digging through my inbox to fill out the scorecard.

Also, if you haven’t done your reveal yet please nominate a day so there is a deadline to work to. We only have 5 reveals left so ideally we are finished early next week!

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are you implying i’m a grumpy asshole?

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fwiw even if you don’t feel comfortable joining the contest it’s really cool when people rail and add some comments here and there so thanks for posting. Will be pretty impressed if you have nailed Matt’s submission without having to think about his leanings as much as people who have submitted to his categories before!

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I’ll take this one. I actually was in a van on my way back from the Hoover Dam when I randomly went to a song on my Spotify Discover Weekly. Thanks Spotify!


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glad to see people used some serious time and energy for my category


Well no, that speaks for itself.

It’s more that I know you have found stuff you enjoyed via Walrus (I know I have won at least one of your categories) - but I am not feeling as dialed in on your tastes and was being lazy in asking you to point out some examples instead of looking through your past reveals myself.

usually whatever swanky sends, but he’s gone now :frowning:

it’s hard to say what i like without also ending up gravitating towards the same things which isn’t really the idea.

usually it needs to have some edge and groove to it, but those are pretty lame definitions too. the song you sent had a pretty cool beginning to it, it just didn’t go anywhere after.

i think the 2020 category here had a lot of strong entries:

i also think you usually do well in my categories

edit - i did trash some of the entries in that one too. maybe i’m just a grumpy asshole