Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal

But seriously, this was a tough category for me. Electric guitars are the best.

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In 6th place scoring 5 points: Nirvana – Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Unplugged)

When I saw this is among the submissions I uttered a silent fuck. After I had to put System Of A Down in last place in the previous Walrus grab bag, I considered adding a Do Not Submit list to my judging notes. I didn’t do it because it would have been a long list and still could never be complete. If that list had existed Nirvana should have been on it. This could have spared me this dilemma.

In like 94 or 95 a young Louis sticky taped a penny to a postcard to sign up for a record club and get 5 CD as a sign up gift. One of those 5 Cds was Nirvana’s Unplugged album and I played it on repeat I don’t know how many times. Obviously the submitter could not know this, or could they? The album went 8x platinum and their performance is one of the most popular MTV Unplugged shows ever.

I hate this. Do I put it in last place for being super-super familiar or in first place for being the song I will most likely still listen to in the future? Like Solomon I end up sawing the baby in half almost certainly ensuring nobody will be happy. It gets to score higher than the songs I didn’t much care for. It’s a fantastic song, it’s just not what I am looking for in a Walrus. Sorry.


I’ll take it.

Figured I’d do worse honestly.


In 5th place scoring 6 points: A Tribe Called Quest – Award Tour

I was always aware that a group called “A Tribe Called Quest” exists. I never paid attention to them. Apparently “Can I Kick It?” is one of their songs but I couldn’t connect their name to a song until “We The People” which is excellent. This isn’t quite as good. It has a chill beat though and the delivery compliments it nicely. It didn’t knock my socks off but I like listening to it.


I assume smrk4 wins overall now unless his (?) joker is terrible

Not like for real peeved…but submitter was pretend internet peeved that you rejected Beethoven’s 9th so submitter submitted a children’s song. But it was a good children’s song!


In 4th place scoring 7 points: Davy Graham – Maajun (A Taste Of Tangier)

This Walruser hit the right nerve with the accuracy of an experienced acupuncturist. In general I am not a huge fan of instrumentals. The oriental sound reminds of a trip to Marrakesh though. It took me back how the marketplace at night turned into a chill party with people sitting on long rows of tables and benches eating food from one of the many stalls while musicians and other artists performed. This song would have fit right in there and that hard to describe atmosphere. Maybe somebody got lucky. Maybe they noticed that I have a penchant for oriental sounds. Whatever it was have my thanks and 7 points.




This was mine. I had a couple of his songs as options but figured this one had the most flare.


The podium is upon us but this isn’t the olympics. The important thing is not winning but taking part? Screw that!


In 3rd place scoring 8 points: The Botanist - Light

This is the second angle-shooting entry into this category. This a black metal band that uses a hammered dulcimer instead of electric guitars. This Walruser stuck to the letter instead of the spirit of the category. Ok, you got me.

I enjoy this kind of atmospheric metal a lot. The instruments create a fairly standard black metal soundscape that sounds a bit mellower than is typical due to the lack of distorted guitars while the singer’s understated vocals create a certain mood.

Maybe this could have benefitted from having an actual electric guitar but it works surprisingly well. I am not sure if this a bit gimmicky and if I will enjoy listening to a whole album of this but I will give it a try.


I’ll take it. I think their albums hold up.


In 2nd place scoring 9 points: White Pizazz – Big Business

This is the third angle-shooter and as you can see from the double podium placement they got away with it. There’s only one song that I like listening to more and that’s why I think they deserve it.

It takes a full minute for the singer to make an appearance and I dreaded four and a half minutes of this intro which would have probably bored me. When the screaming vocals kick in we get at a very thick sound from just the bass and drums. It’s actually quite impressive but it’s the vocalist though that carries the song. Screaming can convey so many emotions and he does it excellently.

It has a bit of a demo tape quality to it, like it still needs a producer to go over it with his sliders and knobs to polish the sound. This might have allowed it to go all the way to the top or it might have destroyed its charm.


Welp. Couldn’t complete the full game without a nodium.

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Me neither.


Sneaky sneaky! I considered this category to be asking for non-typical Louis music.


I was and apparently I mumbled.

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Big Business was me, thank you kindly


In 1st place scoring 10 points: Too Many Zooz - Talkin Bout [Feat. Armani White]

I might have mentioned that I like rapid-fire delivery in rap songs. Maybe this Walruser remembered that or simply has excellent taste in general. Either way, it’s a great song. Compare this with Award Tour in 5th place. One got my body moving and the other didn’t.

Just like with “Haile Selassie, Up Your Ass” the low droning sounds elevate the song to the next level. They throw in a few more elements to keep the song interesting through out.

I have never heard of Too Many Zooz but I hope the rest of their discography contains a few more pearls like this.


This concludes this Walrus. Thank you everyone for your submissions and putting up with mine. Special thanks to pyatnitski for organizing it.