Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal

I guess it’s time to reveal our jokers. Mine netted me a cool extra half point. Nano didn’t appreciate Loreena McKennitt as much as I hoped.


I went with seities, who awarded me with second place


I picked eyebooger and grabbed silver medal there.


OK, no point in hanging around. Drum roll, etc…

Oh, er. [checks again]. It seems we have have two winners!!!

So step forwards and take your uncomfortably close places on the same top step smrk4 and crash_face. Sadly the cash prize will have to be split, hope neither of you put any down payments on a fancy car.


Zomg a tie!




I blame all these fancy-schmancy jokers, dropped scores and me nodiuming an ungodly amount.


Congrats to you too!



Thanks pyatnitski for handling the scoring. I actually forgot about the dropped scores, so Louis don’t sweat the galactically vicious dis you gave me, it wouldn’t have mattered even if it was a few higher anyway

And thanks to all for making the new guy feel welcome




I felt this would be pleasing to your eardrums. Really glad you liked it!!

As always, great reveal. I also want to give an extra shoutout because despite your results being quite un-Louis-like and you being out of the running quite quickly, you were still one of the most active people throughout this entire Walrus.


Lotsa love LC. Six nodiums is rough.


Once again I turned the data over to NASA to see what their supercomputers could come up with, and here are the results. A beautifully colour coded look at podiums, nodiums and the pointless middle ground.

Immediately some things become clearer. E.g. crash_face did well because he most often appeared on the podium, traditionally where high scores are given. Smrk opted for one fewer podiums, but instead to win 3 entire categories (to crash_face’s 2) so got the split of the honours anyway. By contrast Louis did not do well as he dominated the nodium, where almost 101% of the time low scores are handed out.

eyebooger and Pauwl, obviously shy, retiring sorts, often hung around the middle of the table (6 times each). Their efforts to sneak to victory didn’t quite work out, but when the dust settled it earned them respectable finishes. On the other hand Micro and myself only dipped our toes in those luke warm waters twice, and then just the very edges, but the strategy served neither of us that well. Maybe it’s back to the tactics board and a few late nights. (crash_face also did this, but enough about that guy.)

Finally a word about the real winner of this Walrus, coming tantalisingly close to a feat that most believe impossible. Obviously I’m talking about cassette and that he finished in every spot except for last place. Just beautiful stuff. Let’s look at those finishes in detail:

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10

We probably won’t see the likes of this again for a long long time!


Exemplary analysis. I consider a perfect Walrus to be one where each category yields a podium or nodium, preferably split as evenly as possible. goatnitski and micro take the honors in that regard, as their balance is more even than crash_face.

With that said, wow, what a debut by that crash_face pinniped. Blistering run of scores. Don’t do it again.

Not his debut, but smrk4 had equally impressive results, with the distinction of correctly placing my entry in 1st, which I feel is far more important.

Pauwl and eyebooger lead the way with the most Pauwls. A feat on it’s own.

I would like to once again draw attention to my arch nemesis, cassette. The sonofabitch awarded me 1 point whilst I awarded him 10, thereby performing the maximum transfusion of points and hope. And looky here, who kept me off the Walrus podium by a mere 2 points? That fuckin guy…

I appreciate everyone playing and taking the time to put out reveals. With the exception of Louis and smrk4 you all have some improvement left in you when it comes to judging and I expect to see better next time.

Lastly, thanks to the mighty goatnitski who brought some semblance of order to the unruly rabble of 11 of us wallowing and bellowing on the shore.



As my fictional internet mom might say, “LOL Walrus” (Lots of Love).

Cool game. Thanks everyone, even those of you with incorrect taste in music. Let’s do it again sometime.


Another banger from cassette! I do think music like this has to walk a pretty tight rope but this sounds great to me between the wonderful guitar playing and understated singing.

I know I’m a week late but as @LouisCyphre’s category was the only one I was excited to submit to before dropping out I figured I’d submit my choice for retrospective consideration:

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