Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal

So much this. Eyebooger’s anti-China bias led to Dabao Anqi only finishing in third.



This was rad, glad someone submitted it. Rest of the category so far has been fine but nothing too exciting imo.

That’s unfortunate, feels like it’s much harder to find someone who can do what she does than the singer (not to throw shade on her because she killed it during the audition too).

This band sounds sweet; this is the type of music mine and eyebooger’s tastes seem to converge on.

Ah, so like all good music these days.

Solid podium although I think I would have had the order different.

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you did what now?


Unfortunately, gender roles tend to be strict among families with a traditional mindset. Mandarian rock music really isn’t a thing at all, let alone rock coming from women with one giving off a demonic sound.

Even the song that was performed was pretty tame. It was merely a historical retelling of the battles that Sun Quan fought during the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history.


Despistado was mine. Glad you liked it! Those guys had some fucking epic live shows back in the day with audience members going bananas and dancing naked on stage and all kinds of other shenanigans. Good times.


This was mine. Was hoping not to see a Canadian podium. First was actually pretty good.

Mine was Koppo, hoped for better but can’t be too disappointed with 7 points given where I am in the table. Micro seems to be throwing it near the end, but even he can’t touch Louis’ consistency.

At the other end crash_face opens up a slight but significant lead given there’s only one round to go. But, beware, there are also the jokers to take into consideration…


uncanny, where Paulie D is on this table


My joker nets me one extra point. That’s the real joke.

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Initially, I didn’t like my entry for Louis, but on a few second hearings I think it has a shot, all you can ask for when you’re trailing on Sunday.

I like mine but I have a bad feeling about it.

Not that it matters. I’m pretty well fucked anyway.

Old man habits are hard to break. Plus I like the liner notes!

Ironically sometimes the CDs are cheaper than buying digitally

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I’d say you have a decent shot, this category is iffy for me

Does Louis prefer his bribes in dogecoin or stolen checks?


I have done half my write-ups and I could hurry to finish them until tomorrow, or I could do my reveal on Friday. The time would be ~22:00 CET / 6pm(?) ET on either day. Please state your preference in the poll below.

Preferred day
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Either
  • Other

0 voters

Dogecoin will do fine. Just make sure they are unmarked and non-sequential.

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A person as exquisitely talented, devilishly handsome, and chock-full of rectitude as Louis isn’t going to be bought with a bribe.


We really shouldn’t stop him from trying though.


Tell him you liked his article in the newspaper!

I mean, thats impressive. But what about TITANIA?

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Wash it at least every two weeks, ONCE every two weeks!