Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal

Speaking of fun ones. Love the slowness and what I think is a clarinet back there. Love the instrumental part leading up to the end.

7pts Weed Smoker’s Dream - Harlem Hamfats


This is me. No regrets obv, but I was thinking of some Russian composers from the era but didn’t pursue it deeply enough, lots of cool Orthodox Church music though.

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Now we get to the podium. Maybe some of the songs back there (aside for the Jimmy Dorsey one) are being punished a bit for being a little rough and recordings not being so great, mixing, instruments, singing etc. Not that I need something to be highly produced and technical. I love the rough old blues songs too. But, I can appreciate it when it’s a bit more polished too. Anyway, I didn’t do that on purpose, but all the podium entries are pretty polished.

Love the Andrews Sisters. 3rd place. 8pts - Done Sit Under the Apple Tree. (Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy might have won)


This song is actually a little less my cup of tea than others, but I think this is like a great pick in this kind of music and the others were more my kind of music, but not as great picks from those kinds…if you know what I mean. Anyway, this one I found myself listening to maybe the most and my only complaint ever was that it was too short.

2nd place. 9pts. Thelonius Monk 'Round Midnight


And that leaves the winner. Wonderful song perfectly executed.

Duke Ellington (Joya Sherrill) - I’m Beginning to see the light

Very well done kids. Everyone of you is a winner in a way, but in a more accurate way whoever picked Duke Ellington won.


Thanks for the reveal, Andrews Sisters not exactly my thing but top 2 were great.

Bonus material from 1938


I was ready to hate on the podium after the Andrews Sisters. I was expecting some Frank Sinatra crap or something. I agree top 2 were good.


I don’t like Frank Sinatra. He would have done badly. Andrews sisters good. Lead Belly could have won. Robert Johnson couldn’t have. Maybe it would be hard for anyone else to figure out, but it’s just what I like.


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lol fuck you it was playing

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eta: I wasn’t calling microbet Hitler, which is why I deleted it initially. And there’s better Lead Belly songs. Not sure why I posted that.


i didn’t know it and i enjoy the fact that i do know it now


Might have won.

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I don’t know what happened there between you two. I can’t imagine thinking I was being called Hitler.

I get anxiety about my posts in Walruses sometimes and often delete posts, especially when drinking.

Edit: I was trying not the spam the thread with more Lead Belly songs so posted it here:

What are you listening to - Arts & Entertainment - Unstuck Politics Forum

eta: I guess saying “fuck you” to me makes me resurrect my deleted posts

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pauwl posted the song, i clicked play and midway through it stopped playing because pauwl deleted the post. I graciously replied with ‘fuck you, i was listening to that’.

I am gracious.


That one is really good. I had a Leadbelly album my second year of college and did a lot of listening to it and not doing a ton of work. That song was on it.

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Fuck you! You edited out what I was responding to!!!

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You see I have no anxiety about posting in the walrus thread. I’m a god damned ataraxic about it.


This is the one thing I remember about that movie.
Unless remembering that Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis are in it counts.