Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Well unless I finish top 3 I wont be wearing the ium badge

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This next song isn’t bad, but the simpleness of it doesn’t hold up over multiple listens.

Miley Cyrus - Twinkle Song


In 8th is another simpler song. It dropped over multiple listens, though.

Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay

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You can always take solace in that it’s likely me, not you, as I’m the one near the nodium overall.

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The next one is a nice old school folk song.

Marissa Nadler: Box of Cedar (live)

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I like the song but it‘s an odd submission for this category.

It’s not that old! (2005-ish)

In 6th is a song that got close to being in my wheelhouse, but doesn’t quite get there. Not a bad song, but not quite there.

Rosie Carney - Winter

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Oh wow, wouldn’t have guessed that. The style is old school folk music so I just assumed it was older.

This is mine.

Not podium, but 2nd best finish for me in this game.

5th is another decent song that came close to hitting the spot.

City and Colour - Northern Wind

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Hmmmmm. My submission hit better than I thought it would. Not too surprising I guess, Nich and I seem to be on a similar page

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4 songs left and 3 are songs I already knew. I almost just put all 3 of them on the podium since the rest of the songs were meh to me. Next time I’ll just ask for covers again, I guess.

But I decided to not do it and did put one new-to-me song on the podium, which leaves this cover of a Sting classic in 4th. She has a nice voice and it’s a nice cover, but it’s super slow and I get tired of waiting for it to move along sometimes so I dropped it one place.

Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold

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Mine, yeah I wasn’t exactly sure how strict it was going to be, to me this is a song driven by the vocal performance with the instruments just adding a little bit of atmosphere.

Heyyyyy a podium. If Pyat pulled a Paulw, I’m in


I wasn’t strict, but given it didn’t hit the spot, the lack of being stripped down played a part when ranking the bottom handful of songs.

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In 3rd is a new-to-me song. It’s a simple catchy song like some of the lower ones, but this one grew on me over time rather than dropping. Still not sure I’ll listen to it in the future, but better than the rest after 5 weeks of listening to these.

Colin Hay ~ Overkill


There it is. This is actually an acoustic version of his own song from when he was with Men at Work and I greatly prefer this version. I always think of it when I’m lying awake in bed worrying about shit I dont have any control over at that moment.