Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal


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Ahahaha, thats glorious.

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(uncomfortable silence)


What a sequence of posts that was, lol



In 11th place - Scoring 2 points

Submitter comments: Best Album Title Ever!

Agreed, unfortunately the song does not follow in the “Best (blank) ever” mold. The initial use of Fuck you, is pretty great, but after that hits in the first twenty seconds, its all downhill from there. Very repetitive and not in a fun catchy way.

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Looks like I’ve clinched “earn more points than pyat today”.


In 10th place - Scoring 3 points

Well, the video concept made me really want to like this as its very clever. This isn’t bad instrumentally, but I really dislike the overall flow of the lyrics and just overall wasn’t a pleasant experience.


Not mine but that was on my list.

And a second nodium of the day for me


Alright, one more in the “I didn’t really this very much” list

In 9th place with 4 points:

Submitter Comments: Three decades before Cardi B was talking about her Wet Ass Pussy, Liz Phair was being just as provocative. A few fucks in this one, but the home run fuck is in the final line of the song. I’ll won’t spoil it in case you haven’t heard it before.

Here’s the thing. I like Liz Phair. A lot. She has a killer voice, and this song does NOTHING to show that off. Its repetitive in a bad way, its not musically pleasing, and the lyrics are bland and passionless throughout, which, considering the topic of the song is a really bad look. I also really dislike the “In the round” type singing. This places higher than the other three for the use of the word alone.

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Everything from here on out is good to great, so lets take a look at the stuff I really fucking liked.


I was really worried about this category, so glad I made it to the level you consider good to great!

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Knew this was a high risk pick. Oh well.

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In 8th place with 5 points

Bit unfortunate here, as I’ve been shown in the past to really like short, hard hitting punk music, but I’m quite familiar with this, and even being so, the lyrics outside of the chorus are reallllllly hard to make out. But I rocked to it while it was playing, so plus points for sure.


Yeah, its a shame. If I knew her less and was less knowledgeable about her capabilities it may have ranked higher, but its almost like they intentionally downplayed how good of a singer she is. I like my female leads to be belting 24/7.

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I can understand. Use of “fuck” was too good to not submit though.

Plus I thought it would be lame to submit “Down With The Sickness”.


In 7th place with 6 points

Submitter comments: There’s a faster version of this song on Appetite for Destruction and it has its merits, but the fucks in this one just have a certain exasperated contempt to them that the other version doesn’t.

Solid, classic GnR. I’m familiar with this, so it takes a bit of a hit, but I still really enjoy this. There are just some songs that are going to place higher.


Funnily enough, Down with the Sickness would have probably landed in the exact same spot.

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A couple songs coming up grew on me from the first listen while the next song is great but basically just kept sliding due to the repeat listening strength of the other two.

In 6th place with 7 points

Submitter comments: Nazi Punks Go Away” would have never caught on. Sometimes you just gotta fuck off.

Super classic, killer punk rock song with an awesome rant to kick it off. Goooooooood fucking shit, but one I am very familiar with and like I said, just had to slide due to others really hitting me on second listen.