Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Like skateboarding but yeah mostly because you’ve submitted their songs before. What was the other one besides Wave of Mutilation - worse remix?

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Skate videos means skateboarding videos.

Ooh yeah that’s a good one (I would’ve said that for almost any Pixies song)

Yeah, that’s one of my favourites - been a Pixies fan for ages dontcha know


In 5th place with 8 points

The Lumineers - Stubborn Love

Comments: The first time I heard this song was in the car after I left my Dad’s hospice care after seeing him for the last time alive, and knew that it was very likely that was going to be the last time. The line in the song that goes “It’s better to feel pain than nothing at all” was absolutely crushing in that setting.

The only thing I knew about the Lumineers before this was that they were on a really annoying TV advert in the UK, I think for cider, where they are playing in a bar, and they are all wearing hats. In fact in the swanky household they were known as the twats in the hats. Normally I would have dismissed this song out of hand but the comments hit me hard. My Mum died a few years ago, and the submitters comments made me think of her while the song was playing, and it made me a bit sad , and a bit happy at the same time. And every time I played the song the same thing happened. I don’t imagine I will add another Lumineers song to my playlist, but I’ve added this one.


When I was in grad school and started having trouble downloading the music I liked (Napster and similar services had been shut down and I didn’t know how to use torrents or whatever), I went through a phase where I would go to the nearby Tower Records and buy CDs that were vaguely associated with other music I was listening to. I had a couple of covers of Pixies songs so I bought one of their albums…then another…then all of them.

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This might be oversharing, but another song that has the same effect on me when I listen to it Is the Judy Collins version of Amazing Grace. Before she died my Mother made two requests for her funeral, one was that neither me nor my brother spoke at the service because “I don’t want you two babies blubbing in front of everyone I know” and the other was her choice of music. One of the songs she wanted was Amazing Grace but she hadn’t specified which version. We needed to send the music to the funeral venue so me, my brother and his 30 year old son were sat in my Mums house with Mrs Swanky selecting versions of Amazing Grace to decide from. She played 3 or 4 janky versions then started the Judy Collins version. The three men immediately all burst into floods of tears and Mrs S triumphantly proclaimed that’s the one!
Bless her, her final selection was Dean Martin, Little old Wine Drinker Me as she wanted to go out as she lived.


Another band that catches too much crap imo. My wife has a friend who is always discovering new music despite being in his 40s. He turned us onto both Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers before they broke it big and we got to see a great show by them at a smaller venue, so I maintain a soft spot for them even if their music hasn’t gotten much better since then (I still think it’s good but it’s kind of samey)

Probably would’ve bumped this one up a few spots for the story (but not admitted it). I know meb likes the Lumineers so might be his.

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In his 40’s - Jesus Christ a whippersnapper

OK yes I should have realized this comment would not play well here. Let me rephrase: that is unusual for people I know irl but not people who I know via the Internet.

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Yep, this was me.


ok - who have we got live for the top 4?

I really try to not guess who has submitted what, but I have my suspicions that @pyatnitski and @Yuv are still out there and by the way this walrus has been going @skydiver8 and @LouisCyphre. Apologies if I’ve missed anyone claiming an entry


A genuine thankyou for your submission - music is a magical thing


yeah mine wasn’t very well concealed. my graphomania always gets the better of me too.


Heathens, Heavydirtysoul and Chlorine by Twenty One Pilots are also pretty good.


Yeah, it’s the first thing I thought of when I saw your category. It’s weird how the context of the lyrics don’t really tie to the situation I was in, but now I will forever associate it in that way.


Still hanging about.


In 4th Place with 9 points

Talking Heads - (Nothing But) Flowers

Comments: I The reasons are myriad (It’s great!), but mainly because this song was a huge part of my political awakening. I was in 7th grade when Naked came out, and my parents, being big Talking Heads fans and ex-hippies, of course bought it right away. I still vividly recall dancing around out living room in our new house (we had just moved in 6 months prior) to this song with funny world beats and lyrics that made me think hard about how we were killing the earth. I think I begged my mom to join the Sierra Club the next day. Of course it wasn’t until later that I learned that the guitarist is Johnny Marr (duh, his sound is unmistakable) and one of the backing vocals is Kristy MacColl. Serious star power on a track that’s still relevant.

I mean that’s a great write up for a great song, and I don’t have too much to add. It would have been higher but I had to separate the top four somehow so this one lost out a bit just because I know it so well.

I mentioned swankydaughter earlier and at one point she was saying what she would have entered for this category. We were on holiday in France where we had a secluded cottage in the countryside.SD would have been about 12 years old she was in her bedroom as we sat outside listening to music and we played And She Was by the Talking Heads, She remembers hearing the line “Moving into the universe and she’s drifting this way and that” and thinking great line great song.
Obviously top parenting to introduce your kids to the Talking Heads

An unlucky bubble


easy game?