Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Can’t say I’ve ever heard that phrase before.

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I googled and the answer was 3-5 days


hopefully it’s not another phrase I made up to mess with my kids


I vividly remember the 15th time I heard Blackened before I vividly remember hearing anything else. Im too honest for this game! j/k I knew this was a shit choice. Fairly judged.


In 8th place with 5 points

The New Pornographers - Letter From an Occupant

Comments: Remember this from working in Denmark. The radio stations there were absolutely horrendous. It seemed like every station had the same terrible shit. Then one of them played this song. Then they went right back to playing crap. But I had that one moment of beauty.

I’ve vaguely heard of these guys but always been put off by what I consider as an absolutely dreadful name. Having said that I really enjoyed this one, I’m a sucker for a female fronted power pop guitar band.
Whilst trying to find out what the song was about I found this quote that I liked a lot
“I don’t know what a ‘letter from an occupant’ is, but I’m hoping that I will figure it out at some point,” said Carl Newman of the New Pornographers.

Seems unfair to place it so low, but there you go


You just don’t know the walrus meta yet, in which CM3004 has already submitted countless Bad Religion songs to mostly mediocre returns (he definitely won at least one category with them though since it was in the winner’s bracket). I like BR a lot but I’d say their strength is their full body of work and not necessarily individual bangers.


Damn, thought this would do better.

Still my 2nd highest score though. :face_vomiting:


You are still definitely the best judge


Spoiler alert: This won’t be the last time you hear The New Pornographers this weekend.

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Enjoying this a lot, no idea how they passed me by as I listened to a lot of stuff like this in the late 90s. Certainly no everyman!


dis be mine!

Look, im still taking it as a win. Im getting closer to your style by the Walrus!

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Just about what I expected. Nodium number infinity


Apart from the comedy stylings of @NotBruceZ I did enjoy all of the entries so far- even though some ranked low

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In 7th place with 6 points
Pixies - Diggin’ For Fire

Comments: This was in a skate video when I was a teenager and is one of the songs that got me into The Pixies back then.

I’ve always thought I should like the Pixies more than I do, and its probably just down to timing, they just never really found their way into my collection… I really enjoyed this one though - much poppier than I expected, the only other Pixies song I can remember was when Debaser was submitted in another Walrus, and I remember thinking then I should check them out more. This time I will follow through


Shoutout to me! The Pixies are like, pop-friendly alternative rock. I think Nirvana copied a lot of their stuff and made it worse. If you like this song too then I think you’ll like a lot of their stuff. Who is into skating and the Pixies…maybe Yuv?


In 6th place with 7 points

Twenty One Pilots - Car Radio

No comments on this one - but it didn’t really need them. I hadn’t watched any of the videos for any of these tracks until today, but I thought I would have a watch today to see if it clarified my though process at all, and holy fuck this has 261 million views on youtube. I had never heard it before but I found it really powerful. For long periods of my life the idea of being stuck with your thoughts in empty vehicle - without the distraction of music would have been torture.


Yeah this really good, I’m going to edit my personal history and claim to have been a Pixies fan from many years ago

It’s not a lie if you really believe it

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They’re very popular and both deeply loved and hated it seems. Some of their songs are pretty trash but I feel like they catch more crap than they deserve. They released this song last year that I thought was quite good:


This was mine. I went through a big Pixies phase back then. Not really that into them now, but some of the songs are nostalgic to me.


big pixies fan and i already submitted two pixies songs in my short period here. not sure what skating means. as in actually skate? i’m not even good at falling down.