Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

He likes pop music but the good kind.

What is the category?

Category : A song where you remember vividly where you first heard it.

Submissions for this round appeared to fall into two main categories, emotional triggers - or finding a new band/style of music for the first time. One thing I hadn’t fully thought through was this would mean I could end up crapping over somebodies heart-felt memories, so hopefully nobody takes offence

I’ve listened to all these tracks a good few times - the playlist is 47 minutes long so well suited to my lunchtime exercise, and I didn’t feel the need to skip any of the tracks- so well chosen everyone

Anyway on to the reveal

In 12th place with 1 point

Michael Franti & Spearhead - Good Shit Happens

Comments: I vividly remember first hearing this as I was listening to music I hadn’t heard yet for the purpose of finding a song for this category.

Or should I say well chosen nearly everyone
This one left me completely cold I’m afraid, I can’t really think of anything to say about it. I found myself drifting mentally away whenever it came on, and a bit forgettable
On the plus side i genuinely laughed at the submitters comment.


I swear someone made this joke in another walrus. @seities get on it. Also this video led to me getting an ad about “toxic poop”. Seems appropriate.


I thought my sense of humor would be recognizable.


In 11th place with 2 points
Backtrack - Their Rules

Comments: I still remember sitting in a hotel lobby listening to a music streaming service when this first came on and ripped open a path into an entirely unexplored genre for me.

These next few entries could have all fallen higher or lower depending on my mood in fact a couple have swapped places even as I have ranked them today, so unlucky to the last two nodium finishers. either could have placed anywhere up to 7th

This was unlucky to fall so low, I enjoyed it more than I expected, but I really don’t like this sort of vocals, and also the guitar solo style just doesn’t work for me. As the GOAT says, it’s not you It’s me


I feel like it’s possible to do music like this well but not particularly crazy about this particular entry. Curious to know what genre this falls into.

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I sort of lump it in with American Punk/hardcore but I am probably missing some nuamce

This was shouty enough to be enjoyable for me. I’m not sure what you’d call it either.


In 10th place with 3 points and rounding off the nodium

Collective Soul - Maybe

Comments: The very first song played at the first concert I went to.

I had never heard of this band and a little research tells me have been going for 25 years.

At the risk of damning with faint praise this is a perfectly well crafted pop song, nicely produced and performed.

Swankydaughter takes quite the interest in the Walrus, and insists on me playing the entries on my many trips to and from her flat so she can weigh in. Her comment on this one - “I’m astonished you don’t hate this”


Did this song seriously not make it across the Atlantic?


I was gonna say, this song was literally everywhere. It was one of those “play once an hour” songs on radio at the time.


I don’t think I’ve heard either of those songs before either, but I don’t know how far either myself or Swanky would put ourselves forwards as a musical everyman. Probably not too far.

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Nope never heard the band or the song - just checked with Mrs S who has a little more conservative tastes than myself and also come up blank

fascinating what crosses over the ocean and what doesn’t. Not that Collective Soul is any sort of groundbreaking music y’all missed out on or anything, but I always wonder what I’m missing over here that’s all the rage in the UK or EU


Same. Doesn’t sound like we missed anything.


Think I’ve posted before of going to an 80s and 90s night in San Francisco in about 2007. It was like a scene where a time traveller realises he’s fucked up the universe. There’d be 3 or 4 songs that I knew as total classics then 1 that I had never heard before in my life, but everyone else went mental for.


In the US, you don’t need to be a “musical everyman” to have heard Shine before. It was absolutely unavoidable in the mid-90s, and still gets played today.


it sounds very vaguely familiar but i would never been able to name that band.

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I went to a "punk " club in LA in 1986 and was trifle surprised when Venus by Bananarama aent the crowd wild


In 9th place with 4 points

Comments: A friend’s brother’s band did some Bad Religion covers and I saw them playing this in the back of a small record store in 95. I bought red hair dye after the show, it didn’t turn out well.

I died my hair red with henna when I first went to college, and when I first went back home my family refused to acknowledge it was a different colour

The submitter also said they considered submitting Metallica or Dido - you did well to reconsider my friend, both of those would have placed plum last.

As for Bad Religion, they do seem to get submitted a lot, but they don’t really do it for me. I don’t really like the American Punk /Hardcore type scene much at all, it all feels very samey to me, with the guitars drums and vocals all much of a formula. Having listened to this a few times though I can see that there is a bit more depth than I first gave it credit for and it was an enjoyable listen. Not enough for me to really check them out any further though