Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Sorry to Nicholasp27 about the roasting of your entry in this category.

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He was so ahead of his time.


This reaction is honestly worth more to me than a podium.

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British people didn’t know it existed. Wikipedia says:

The song remains virtually unknown in their homeland of the UK, after only peaking at No. 117 on the UK Singles Chart, but found tremendous success in the Philippines in 1985, a year after the band broke up.

I have no idea how it made it to the Philippines, but the band probably needed a bit more success or needed to stick together for longer than a couple of singles to stand a good probability of being noticed by someone who would bring their songs to the US. You probably either had to be listening to the rado in London for a specific month in 1983 or watching the episode of the children’s show Razzamatazz that they were on to have heard the song.

I had two Seona Dancing songs to choose from. I don’t know if it would have made a difference if I had chosen the other one:

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I figured if I was gonna nodium I may as well troll

Didn’t have luck finding actual good music so when I saw Bruce did this “gem” I had to do it

Not sure how I didn’t just snap think of Creed and submit him tho :frowning:


(Full in post #2)

Pretty thin stuff, people.

Name Time
SwankyWilder 2021-02-19T00:00:00Z or 2021-02-20T00:00:00Z

I hope to get mine in by Wednesday, but I will probably give short notice, such as the night before.


Gonna comment on Louis’s category in real time (as I’m listening)

Well at least we’re off to a good start! I like this better than the song you submitted to my soundtrack category, although not a ton better.

This is a no from me, dog, sorry. A little pitchy.

I’ve heard some good anime music out there but this was kind of painful, if I’m being honest.

I agree this is sort of interesting but I wouldn’t say I liked it. Can’t really fault these nodium placements.

Surprised you didn’t know who this is. Agree with your assessment though, I think I’ve heard some halfway decent music by him but this is pretty boring imo.

I’ve also vaguely heard of this band. I will say I thought this song was pretty good! A little generic but I was bopping along to it.

For sure, good call.

Guessing this was pyat based on the title and feeling pretty good about that after reading his explanation.

Whups. Maybe not my cup of team but a pretty song nonetheless. I don’t usually go for pure instrumental but I can feel this a little. Too long, however, like a lot of instrumental music.

Why not? This is pretty sweet, probably my winner at this point.

Meh. I was excited when this started but I’m not that into it

Yeah feels like the middle of the pack is fine for it.

Eww, Incubus, I’m sure Louis has heard…oh wait. Hmmm not sure this is actually better than the band.

This is pretty fire. Reminds me a little of KRS-One.

When I read this I had no idea what you meant but now listening to it, I think it’s exactly right. This song is alright, I just want more bounce at this point though.

Hmmm I like the Strokes and I expected to like this but it didn’t really do it for me.

Yeah this is even more pyat than the fake pyat song. Pretty interesting entry, would have to listen to it more. Think I liked the bounce song and louis’s non-entries the best.

Wow rigged


still a lot of chances for someone to catch up. For example, NBZ’s category, where I submitted a polarizing choice that he’ll probably hate.

As for mine, I definitely need a few more days at least. All of the submissions have positives and negatives, and if I could, I would award them all 7 or 8 points, lol. No clear nodium or podium, even after repeated listens and reading of the lyrics. Yikes.


This is encouraging, as I have never been able to submit something that scored well with either you or Swanky, and I didn’t anticipate that would change this time around. At least maybe now I have a random chance of finishing high in your rankings…


update: I have developed a ranking system and have a preliminary list!

However, I feel like I need to do pyat-level writeups for this, so it will still be a few days.


I thought about it and came to the conclusion i will either do really well, really poorly or really mediocre in your category.


Same bro same.

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Wat? Unpossible! You must not have gotten mine.

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HERE WE GO INDEED. I vaguely knew Bruce Willis made music but I surely haven’t willingly listened to it before. Is Bruno his music alter ego? Can’t tell if this is horrific or just average bad but leaning more towards the latter. At least it’s got a fast beat which helps mitigate any offensiveness.

Alright I scrolled down while the last song was playing and I did NOT know Lindsay Lohan made music. Maybe it’s just safe to assume that most famous people will try to dabble in music at some point. “Who’s here after xanax?” was the best comment lol. When this started I was afraid I was going to like it but to my great relief it’s quite lame. I think I got the point and turned it off at 2:45, hope I didn’t miss anything good

I actually enjoyed Russell Crowe in Les Mis, he’s “bad” compared to the rest of the cast but his singing is kind of endearing, unlike Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia who is just straight awful. 30 Odd Foot of Grunts is an all time terrible band name and they deserve to have made this song. It’s better than the last two though.

Not a bad song, agree that his singing is weak. Wouldn’t be surprised if the lyrics were good but I’m not inclined to listen to them given his voice.

Another “who knew they made music” one. I guess this isn’t too bad but feels pretty generic to me, was a good choice for a meb category though.

Wow I really like this, feels like it’s in a totally different league than everything else I’ve heard up until this point. Sort of shocked this didn’t make the podium honestly. I’m also surprised Swanky hated it.

I always get this band, The Mars Volta, and for some reason At the Drive-In, confused. I think I like at least one of them but this song would indicate that it’s not TSTM (a quick search and listen has At the Drive In being by far the best and Mars Volta being decent enough).

I think I’d argue he’s better known for his music, this song is super well known and he was one of the more forgettable Office characters. My mind is blown! The solo song was also surprisingly good.

This is quite nice, agree it’s a lot better than the previous Steve Martin entry.

Haven’t listened to Tenacious D in a while. I always thought they were kind of a gimmicky but the instrumentation on this song is legit. First comment on the video sums it up: This song is supposed to be a joke but it’s actually fucking epic.

Quoting this because it cracked me up.

Hard one for me to rate on a single listen, definitely better than it has any business being but not sure how much I like it.

Do you know him or just met him at an event? When we saw Pitch Perfect my wife kept saying he looked familiar and I basically rolled my eyes at her. Turns out she went to camp with him and was good friends with his brother Jonah (and is still in touch with him) so egg on my face on that one! I feel like winning a Tony means you’re famous for music, though (well as long as it involved singing).

The fantasy football guy??? OK I guess that’s Matthew Berry, someone different. Good choice, I like this song, added it to my walrus playlist.

How many bands has this guy been in? I do like this song but it’s no Seona Dancing imo.


This one is a bit worse imo. Still kinda good though.

Just met him at an event. t was kind of a surprise, he wasn’t billed or announced but he got up and sang a couple songs before Pete spoke. Afterward when everyone was milling around he was really nice and took pictures with anyone who asked.

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To all of those keeping track me and jiggy now agree on three songs in the entire history of music. The Cure - Friday I’m in Love, The Knife - Heartbeats and Matt Berry - Take My Hand. We’ll fill an EP soon enough!


What about Strictly Reserved for You? Up to four!

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