Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

First stutterings at the top, though guess you can’t blame Louis too much. I’ve a feeling skydiver would have taken 6 points clear at this stage, though.


Will start reveal in about an hour. I’m gonna put a disclaimer that my comments may bash some of the songs submitted, but they are meant to be taken in a joking manner.



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Only today did I realize that there is an out-of-the-box choice for your category that I wished I had thought of sooner. I won’t mention them just now because maybe somebody submitted them.

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Looking at about 20 minutes to go time:



I love my @anon29622970 entry but I am old so what the fuck do I know


While you’re waiting for this to get started, a word about my category: A song performed by someone who is more famous for something other than their music.

When I thought of this category, I had quite a few different ideas in my head that inspired it. This was definitely meant to be something that you might have to dig a little bit to find a good entry for. However, I’ve been surprised often at the quality of music that has been put out by people that you wouldn’t think of as music artists first.

Music is universal and that is what I think draws so many people into trying it even when it isn’t their main career. Sometimes it can be disastrous and sometimes it can be great. This reveal happens to feature some of both. But the true hope of this category was to help everyone involved discover some gems by people that they may have never even realized created music. A lot of the submissions in this category I was already aware of, but there were even a couple that were a surprise to me.

So to kick off the festivities, here’s a song no one submitted that was in part inspiration for this category. This song is a cult classic hit to some and one of the most offensively awful pieces of music ever recorded to others. You all can decide for yourselves.


I really wanted to submit [redacted] but I thought it was too obvious, hope I don’t regret my decision


Oh boy. I definitely took a risk with my submission. Fully expecting a nodium here, especially now that I see the example you chose. :grimacing::grimacing:

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I would have happily submitted party all the time but I thought it was in the too obvious category


I talked to my gf today about this Walrus and told her about the categories, what I submitted etc.

The following conversation took place when we came around to this category.

Her: You could have gone with Ronald Reagan.
Me: What?!
Her: He was more famous for being president than being an actor.
Me: I think you are confused. It needs to be someone who has released music.
Her: …
Me: Was I supposed to submit a photo of Reagan?
Her: Oh, right.


Kicking off the nodium, or the portion of this reveal that I like to call Songs that never should have been made. Somewhere in this nodium we might be able to reach UP consensus on the worst song to appear in a walrus category. Honestly part of my motivation for this category was also the chance to rip on some of the horrible music celebrities have made. So here we go…

In 12th place earning 1 point - Bruce Willis - Jackpot (Bruno’s Bop)

I can only imagine that whoever submitted this song must hate me for picking this category, and this was their cruel way of inflicting torture on me by making me spend 4 minutes of my life listening to this. I’m including the video, but I simply recommend scrolling right past this post and we can all just pretend this never existed.


This might not be the best example but Willis actually has a pretty good singing voice.

When he hits that random line “Only in America!” I just wanted to be like, yes Bruce only in America would someone let you release a music album.


Just remember that Bruce has a hard time tapping his feet to the beat because of old glass related injuries


In 11th place earning 2 points - Lindsay Lohan - Bossy

So you’re 22 and your acting career is completely failing. Why not try music? How hard could it be? This is why you don’t try music Lindsay! I wonder if someone actually told her this was good?



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Curious if anyone submitted “Stars Are Blind”, and if not, where it would have ranked.

Ah bollox - should have gone for Shatner


If any of my nodium commentary is viewed as too harsh, picture it followed by Michael Scott
