Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

I knew the rap part wouldn’t be your thing (he’s not part of the band) and probably should have picked a different song of theirs.

Happy with the podium.

In completely unrelated news we concluded the recount and Louis still got 12 point from me.




In 2nd place scoring 11 points: Where No Eagles Fly by The Voidz

Pre-listening impression: They have “The” in the name so probably a rock band? Song title and youtube thumbnail seem to concur.

I had a similar experience with this song as I did with Conjure Me. A really strong start with the low bass and then the singer was a bit of a disappointment initially as I was expecting more powerful vocals. Fortunately I didn’t have to wait too long because the distorted and screaming parts are exactly what the doctor ordered. A kick ass song and I am looking forward to find more from this band.

P.S.: The lead singer was previously a member of The Strokes.


This is their only quasi-hit. Wonder if you would have liked it more. A bit more poppy. Video is funny or “funny”, depends on your mood.

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When I saw the song I read the comment I wondered if someone did some homework and saw Hadag Nahash win a category previously. Did you see that?

This is mine. I’m glad you liked it. This was probably my favorite song that I entered in this Walrus and is the song I’ve listened to the most after submitting.

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I saw a while ago hadag won a category for microbet but didnt know it was yours

Man i just realized i have a great fucking “first time i heard it” story on hadag nachash song for swanky’s category.

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And finally the gold medal

In 1st place scoring 12 points: Ibitlan by Mdou Moctar

Based on the comment I expected something much more African sounding instead after a short intro it goes straight into traditional rock territory which surprised me. And when the vocals arrive it’s a pleasant surprise and the song takes on a unique character. Like salt on sweets you wouldn’t think it can work together so well but for some reason it does. It’s almost…

Alanis-Morissette - Screaming (Dogma)

Alright, alright. I’ll stop. Where was I? The vocals build on the strong foundation of a classic rock song all the way to the top of this Walrus. An early favorite and never in doubt because it’s flawless. I love it!


Good taste, this lad.


Great reveal. Far far better than @seities one, from an objective perspective.


Walrus - I Have To Sneeze

Alanis-Morissette - Thank You

for sharing your music with me. You are all awesome.

The Spotify playlist


I know, right?


Nice reveal, can’t argue with your marking too much either, definitely got much more interesting as it went on




Excellent reveal for Louis and Alanis! It’s fun when people add stuff like that with lots of gifs. Well played!

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My wife still occasionally brings up the night I ‘discovered’ this guy when I dragged her to some venue in a ‘dodgy’ part of town. She wanted to leave halfway through and I just said, ‘Ok, bye.’ I could see from her look she was surprised in a bad way, but he was really really good. No regrets.

(And there aren’t any actually dodgy bits of Paris.)

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No, that would have done worse. Not bad but too pop-py. BTW they look like the middle-Eastern LMFAO.

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I read that as “they look middle eastern lmao” and was confused


The fix is in!

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