Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Give me 24h to figure it out.

Can you add me in for Sunday?

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No rush to decide - I will be writing mine during the week at work anyway, and I’ll be honest - no big plans for the weekend

Question for the goat: @pyatnitski would you run the same category again? If so, are there any slight adjustments you might make to requirements?

I had no complaints about it. I knew I’d have to the time to listen which might not always be true, but that was the only issue.

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Longer medleys imo

Anyone else ready to reveal for Feb 15 to 18th next week (Monday to Thursday)?

It would be nice to have some weekday reveals. :slight_smile:


I have pretty much finalized my rankings and done the majority of the write-ups. I should be able to do the rest until tomorrow. That means I could most likely do a reveal tomorrow night, say 10pm CET or later if that’s preferred.


By my calc 10pm CET is 2pm EST. We normally try to start 1-3 PM EST. So I think your time slot for tomorrow should work. @pyatnitski, are you ok with that?

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Isn’t it 4pm?

Yeah, that’s right. I don’t know what I put in before.

@pyatnitski is 4pm ET Saturday ok with you? I think you’re both CET, so 10pm CET.

Yeah, that’s fine for me.


Heellllll yeah


I just looked, and my least favorite submissions are the ones revealed so far, so I still feel like a Savage Speederesque comeback is on the possibility spectrum


My submission for Louis’ category might be my favorite song I’ve sent him, and that’s saying something


maybe fucking work on the fucking reveal of your fucking fuck category instead of fucking around here. fuck.


My submission for Louis’ category will depend entirely on musical tastes, and I don’t really know where his fall. I expect nodium or podium in that one.

louis got 12 points from me but those are still tentative and might change drastically tomorrow night.

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I like my submission to Louis as well. Podium or Nodium, no half measures. After that, unfortunately most of my weaker stuff is to come.

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