Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

So who’s up for tomorrow?

I‘m filing lawsuits to stop the count as we speak.


I had an unexpected call during the last part of the reveal, and I come back to find myself on a second podium in a row?!

Honestly, as I said in the other thread, I had a really good feeling about this category. Glad to see I was right. Sister Rosetta Tharpe is a certifiable rock and roll badass, and deserves more fans/recognition.

@Pauwl Legend has it that Eric Clapton was in this audience and it’s what inspired him to stick to blues rock. And yes, she absolutely influenced all those SG-playing rockers that came after. I think most people from that era acknowledge her as one of the biggest influencers.


Honestly this was my best shot at a podium so my future in this grab bag isnt promising

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Haven’t listened to first place yet but can only imagine that this song was robbed, great choice.

Yeah my impression was correct, first place is a snooze fest, sorry. Third place song was also great at least, added both 2 and 3 to my playlist. Interesting range in this category, seems like a few people had Pauwl pinned pretty well. I probably would’ve submitted some new wave and gotten wrecked if I had participated.


Agree! I demand a recount! I’m calling Lin Wood as we speak!!! RIGGED!

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Confirmed wrecked by new wave

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Tomorrow is the Puppy Bowl


Walrus! enjoying the rail. Yuv goated it up, like he does.

haven’t read the 2nd reveal yet


Made it off the nodium!!!


I’ll take 8th


Fuck. I thought this said “I’ll take the 8th” and we were in store for a reveal today

I need a deadline, sadly Thursday is too early and after that it’ll have to be Sunday. So Sunday it is.

Just realised that’s Valentines. Guess my wife will be disappointed again.


Ew, off days. Best time for me to rail are slow work days. Who can do the 11th and 12th? Thanks.

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I’ll be starting my reveal tomorrow at some time between 2pm ET and 3pm ET. Can’t narrow it down too specifically as it depends how my workday is shaping up.


I miss Rivaldo’s surprise reveals :(


I should win that category by default for being the only one who submitted a song.

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Just think of it, just under 40 hours from now you could be here!


Yikes. This is one of my potential nodiums. I’m not confident in my submission at all