Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal


I’m about to eat some North Korean take away, surely the perfect accompaniment to songs about bad people doing bad things.


There’s honestly not a single song I disliked here. You all get 6.5 points. Good job. @Pauwl you’re up next.


I think I have a good chance here provided that my submission was liked and rated highly


A million years ago when I played online poker I learned that FullTilt uses continuous shuffling in their RNG. This might be phrased poorly but the idea, as I understood it at the time, was that if you called an all-in bet one millisecond later or earlier, the cards would have been different.

I kinda feel this way about my ranking here. A lot of songs could have been ranked differently if I did the reveal earlier or later. But here we go anyway.

When I picked the category I had more of a story-telling theme in mind and didn’t really realize that protests/political songs also fit the category. So while it’s not what I really wanted, I didn’t judge against it because it clearly fits the category well.

I was familiar with most entries. Either I knew the song itself, the artist or the music style very well. Other than the song in last place, I tried to not put it into consideration when ranking because I didn’t specify anything in the notes. So you did a great job sending songs I like, I did a poor job defining a category that will introduce me to new things.

At the end I ranked it according to which songs made me come back and listen to them again after the many mandatory listens.


Yeah, I’m kinda expecting 1st here, unless my entry finishes somewhere between 2-12.


In 12th place with 1 point
Slick Rick - Children’s Story

This is the 3rd time I’m judging a Walrus category, which means I’ve reviewed ~36 songs. There are approximately 138 trilliard songs on youtube. This specific one was already sent to me in one of the previous 2 categories.

The last time it got 5th place and 9 points. This time I got a lot more entries I really like and the added effect of having listened to this already very familiar song a dozen times for the last Walrus lands it in last place.

Personally whenever I pick a song that I think is pretty well known I search to see if it was reviewed before. I don’t fault anyone for not doing so, you just got a bit unlucky.

Link to previous review - Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread - #364 by Yuv



I don’t know how much I should step in an reveal entries prior to the person themselves, but I will say that it’s not CanadaMatt and seeing what happened to the song in the last grab bag I had to go triple check I’d not messed anything up.


Lol yep it’s not me. Did I reply to the wrong post? That was supposed to be to the 6.5 points for everyone post


Yeah it’s not the song I guessed CM sent.

This one was, however:

In 11th place with 2 points
The Offspring - LAPD

The bassline at the start of the song was pretty cool. Nothing too interesting besides that. The lyrics are straight forward. Surprising n-word usage. There’s really nothing to dislike either. Good ‘protest’ song I imagine around the Rodney King riots. Just nothing memorable either. I didn’t end up going back to it much the day after.


Would appreciate a recap of categories for lurkers who aren’t participating.

Tragic to see such a good song getting last place but can’t really argue with the reasoning.

No, it was correct, but the juxtaposition and the form guide might have given the wrong impression.

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I probably confused the issue with my reply to you. Ill just delete it :-)

(Also congrats on exceeding your points average in this reveal)


My category was “crime”.

Also fuck you forum thingy:

Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 30% of the replies here.

It could be even better if you gave other people space to share their points of view, too. Can you invite them over?


Shocking. Maybe meb? He seems to be into more popular stuff.

Btw, doing my best Pauwl impression with this


I’m still alive!