Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Reveal Thread!

I’ll take this one. I actually was in a van on my way back from the Hoover Dam when I randomly went to a song on my Spotify Discover Weekly. Thanks Spotify!


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glad to see people used some serious time and energy for my category


Well no, that speaks for itself.

It’s more that I know you have found stuff you enjoyed via Walrus (I know I have won at least one of your categories) - but I am not feeling as dialed in on your tastes and was being lazy in asking you to point out some examples instead of looking through your past reveals myself.

usually whatever swanky sends, but he’s gone now :frowning:

it’s hard to say what i like without also ending up gravitating towards the same things which isn’t really the idea.

usually it needs to have some edge and groove to it, but those are pretty lame definitions too. the song you sent had a pretty cool beginning to it, it just didn’t go anywhere after.

i think the 2020 category here had a lot of strong entries:

i also think you usually do well in my categories

edit - i did trash some of the entries in that one too. maybe i’m just a grumpy asshole


Cool cool - my perception without going through your previous reveals again is edge/groove but also generally a bit less production-heavy.

Anyways, genuinely not complaining or bothered about where my song landed, just curious!

this one i actually wrote that i liked all the songs

i was probably high

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This was mine. I originally had a real Pauwl song picked (dream pop etc), but then heard this and remembered you said you like songs with rhythm and went with this. I loved this category. I’m always listening to new music all day.


Nostalgia. This was in heavy rotation on MTV back in the day.

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I’m Broken Social Scene. I’m in Mexico until Wed night. I’ll do my reveal after that.

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Matt, I promise to join the next one and I feel confident you will score much better with me than these guys


Two wins in a row AND this was my joker category. BOOM! Sorry I missed the reveal, I was outside most of the day


deducting 4.5 points for missing the reveal though

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For me as a lurker it will immensely help if the reveals have a short recap of what the category is.


I repost my category before I reveal and post what I would have entered. I would suggest others do the same.

This was Yuv’s category

  1. New Song, song you’ve never heard until reading the post on Nov 25

this feels like criticism. i consider this an act of war.

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One off of the podium. Bummer

Updated scorecard with all new pointless numbers!

In the Drop 1 and Drop 2 column I added each persons 2 lowest scores and removed them from the grand total. This means that if someone has been relatively consistent (eg Pauwl) the Grand Total will look less good for them.

Sky is crushing at the moment but has yet to reveal, and her Joker has already been used. Yuv and Pauwl are looking ominous having revealed and a Joker up their sleeves.

Mr Booger and Suzzer are going to reveal this week. @skydiver8 @superuberbob @CanadaMatt3004 any idea when you will be able to do yours? Apologies if you suggested a time already and I missed it.