Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

I feel like not hating any of these makes for a much less funny reveal :frowning:

In 10th place with 3 point

Body Count - Black Hoodie

I love Ice-T. I had the original self-titled BC album. To be honest, I didn’t even know they are still putting out albums. This is as classic Ice-T as you can get. Like he said at the beginning of the song, he’s been preaching this shit for 20 years. His lyrics are still as blunt as ever. While it has its merits, it’s also not as interesting to listen to as other artists. Other than the KRS-one sampling/tribute at the end, the rest of the song was also a bit generic.

Like the offspring entry, I still enjoyed it. Just not enough to stand out from the rest of the group.


See, there it is.

Damn it


Escaped the nodium!


If anybody ever asks what Walrus is about, just quote the last 6 posts at them


It’s a good song. If I hadn’t posted it before I would have considered submitting it.


I’m feelin for @Yuv in this reveal. When you like the songs you are putting on the nodium the reveal feels even longer than usual. Going to be the same for me this grab bag.

Also @CanadaMatt3004 , bangin track. I hadn’t heard that before.


This happened in my indie rock category last walrus. Legitimately liked every song submitted. Makes for some tough judging.


Ok, we’re in the Pauwl zone. You can reveal mine at any time now. I’m good.


Just got back from giving swankydaughter a lift home and she said I thought you would have picked UNDRAFTED and I was doh!


No Lives Matter from the same album is also pretty good.


In 9th place with 4 points

Crumbling Ghost - Omie Wise

So this was definitely the odd song in the group. No pandering here for sure. The video had literally 14 views when I clicked on it the first time and it’s from 2016.

I’m generally not a big fan of the musical melodramatic or grandiose approach. I thought this would turn out as one, but to be fair I kinda liked it. I have no idea who this band is or what they are playing. I will guess it’s some sort of Folk Metal? That’s probably a thing.

It’s way too long and dramatic for me, but I enjoyed the somewhat psychedelic take on what I thought was an Irish folk song but turned out to be an American one after googling. It stood out probably more because I was so unfamiliar with it.


Interesting song. Nick P?

Also Ice-T song was quite good but I feel like I won’t be relistening to it so I get the low placement.

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That’s a cover of a really old song. I know it from Doc Watson playing it.

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@Rivaldo @cassette @miliboo paging some of the other well known Walrus rail crew :muscle:


I like this a lot. This would have scored highly if sent for my category.

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Walrus is great. It’s fun playing Russian roulette waiting for your song to be revealed.


In 8th place with 5 points

The Murder City Devils - Press Gang

After the first listen, I ranked this dead last. It grew on me and moved slowly up the ranks. Learned about press gangs which I wasn’t very familiar with. I don’t think I’d enjoy an album of this band, but it was catchy enough that I ended up listening to it more than I imagined.


I liked this one and it’s the sort of thing I hate

I pretty much like every submission so far also


HaHa this is the truth. the build up of tension then the relief or despair