Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

This is a great song.

eta: Chet Thomas

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Omie Wise was me, eating fried chicken is not conducive to using touch screen devices.


In 7th place with 6 points
Dropkick Murphys - “Fields of Athenry”

I LOVED dropkick murphys in high school. I had their first 3 albums and I can probably still sing along to every track on “Sing Loud Sing Proud”. After the army I kinda never kept track of them, but still very fond of the obviously recognizable sound.

Classic irish folk song. Classic Murphys treatment. I enjoyed it.


For realz though, in a category of this caliber I’ll take 5 points. Enjoying the reveal, Yuv.


Made the top half!



And yeah, this category is pretty damned good so far.


The next group was really really close for me. I loved all these songs. It really just ended up where I felt when finishing the write ups. If you got any place other than 1st, consider yourself unlucky

In 6th place with 7 points
Black Keys - Ten Cent Pistol

Great entry. It really hooks you from the first listen. Groovy as fuck. Got a bit of a jazzy vibe. I have no idea what a Ten Cent Pistol is, I think it’s drug related but too lazy to dig into it.

I’m pretty sure that this was either already on a Tarantino soundtrack, will be on a Tarantino soundtrack or is on a parallel universe Tarantino soundtrack. Good stuff, just ended on the bad side of variance with the 6th place


That’s me. Honestly higher than I thought I’d place, so I’ll take it.


I think you benefited from sending something I’m less familiar with but also liked. It was ranked in the podium for a while but the random generator worked against you here.

Damn you Full Tilt!

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It would be presumptuous to assume I have a gold medal entry, so I will have to stoically face the variance

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Another great song, Some top quality submitting going on here

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In 5th place with 8 points
The Misfits - Last Caress

I love this song. I must have heard this a million times between 1997-2000. A staple of any Winamp playlist of mine at the times. A song I used to play to people in high school for the shock value. It’s stupid, crass and childish, but so am I.
Really wanted it to rank it lower because it’s so well known and all, but I enjoyed it too much.


Yes!!! This was me. My comment was that the intro should have replaced “YMCA” at 45’s rally endings.

eta: I’ve heard it a million times too, but it seemed appropriate when you mentioned 45 in the category. I hadn’t heard it for a while and really liked it in that regard.


Please Full Tilt don’t bust me fourth one out of the :moneybag:


Not the bubble, not the bubble

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It’s fun because I have literally no idea what your music taste is so i can’t even guess if you made it or not.


Who is still in? smrk4, swanky, louis and? my guess would be skydiver
