Walrus 9 Reveal Thread

T- approx 3 hours.

Arousal levels increasing…

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Yep, T -2 hours or so.

The standard was high here again, I thought. Mostly.

We will be considering:

Dinner party, “hey, what is that?” track
Music you can wack on whilst folk are round, and it’s not obtrusive so you can discuss money, schools for your idiot children, the best local artisanal cabbage bar etc. But, at some point, someone will actually hear it and go, “hey, what is that?” Because they dig it so much. (And then you’ll drone on about it and then they’ll all leave)



OK, let’s get going, I guess.

This category is one I am very familiar with. Some years ago I got sick of the following happening when people were over:

  1. my wife telling me to put some music on
  2. my wife telling me to change the music
  3. my wife telling me to turn the music off

So I began assembling a playlist to solve the issue. It marries exquisite taste with the ability to not offend or annoy until finding the cultured ear of a fellow music snob connoisseur. It has now grown to be one of the finer resources on the internet, as evidenced by the fact is has one follower on spotify.

So, then, what would be the perfect entry? To choose just one from my extensive researches is tricky, but, how about The Temptations with one of the great ballads?

None of your choices feature on the playlist, but I ranked them nonetheless. In fact I at least kinda liked all these songs and the standard felt high once again. Thank you. But, as ever, there can be no avoiding last place…


In tenth place with 1 point
Edwin - Rush

This is fine. I can imagine it playing as people chat, and I never had any problem listening when it came on. Like some songs from category 1 its only real crime was being not my cup of tea, it sounds like mainstream indie rock from the 90s which I have never particularly warmed to.

I did like the crispness of the production and the crunch of the guitars, and if you’d have said it would be last the first time I heard it I would have been quite surprised. I’m always a fan of artists with only one name too, sorry Edwin!


In for the rail.


I’m Spartacus ^^


Want 90’s band is this guy from? Giving me the nostalgia feels.

" He is the lead vocalist for the successful Canadian rock band I Mother Earth, as well as a solo artist. He is also the lead singer for the Canadian supergroup Crash Karma."

TBH I’ve never know anything about him nor have I seen that video.

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I Mother Earth! Right! Pretty sure I saw them at EdgeFest.TM

In ninth place with 2 points
Kurt Vile - Jesus Fever

I came to almost enjoy this one, it even has half a good tune in the guitar. His voice, though, anchors it firmly in the sort of indie miserablism that rubs me up the wrong way for whatever reason.

I don’t have anything that bad to say, though, I could even imagine sitting through a whole album from him. If I were reading and not totally paying attention. I mean, I do really like some people who make music a bit like this—early Will Oldham is outstanding—so who knows what my deal is?

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I’m currently hard at work on a new “WalrusFail” badge for last place finishers. :grinning:


That’s maybe a badge I’d actually wear.

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That’s @Pauwl, imo.

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I think it very well could be, but there’s another that might be him too.

I like Kurt Vile some but wasn’t me. Fun fact about me: I hate music in basically all non-music-centric social situations except like sitting in a car, so no idea what people are looking for here. I think maybe I have trouble focusing or even straight up hearing over background noise so I dislike ambient music if there is also conversation going on.

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In eighth place with three points
Nick Drake - Parasite

I think this could be shocker being so low as I honestly don’t know why I’ve never warmed to Nick Drake’s music. Every time I read something about him it sounds like I should love him and I can even hear what people describe, I think, but his stuff just seems to go in one ear and out the other with me. I’ve had his albums for years and years but I honestly couldn’t think of a single track beyond this one.

I mean, take the submission statement:

Beautiful, atmospheric guitar playing with an ethereal voice, you could have this on in the background and no one would probably notice the melancholy tone of the lyrics. I chose this song because it’s a little more discordant sounding than a lot of his other stuff I’ve heard, enough so that it would likely cause someone to sit up and say “Hey what exactly are we listening to?”

That all makes perfect sense to me, except actually listening to Parasite many times didn’t change anything. It’s beautiful & graceful, the guitar is calmly and understatedly doing some interesting stuff, but I remain unmoved. I think he’s just too serious for me or something and, obviously, his own story doesn’t help there. Sorry to repeat myself, but sorry.

Shurely shome mishtake?

Maybe I’ve wandered into the wrong walrus.

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You missed a word out. It’s also possible the lyrics to that song are really happy, but I never pay attention to that sort of thing.

(Edit - I also never know how to describe the sort of thing I don’t like in that space, it’s entirely possible it’s just a pure prejudice on my part.)

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Welp Nick Drake was mine.