Walrus 13: Reveal!!

Oh no, sir. I must say you’re wrong

ETA: goodbye horses

I don’t play the game that way, I play the game fast and loose.

Yes, I remember, quite vividly, someone attempting to rewrite music history based on a wikipedia article.

I obviously did not submit to win.

Some people prefer Steakums over Wagyu long-bone ribeye. Who am I to judge?

I’ve been letting you go with this for too long. Our musical tastes don’t match but cmon man it was obvious to literally everyone else that that post was a joke.

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I’m fairly certain you’d overcook the shit out of that steak though.

In 4th place earning 8 points

Aloe Blacc - I Need a Dollar

A great song that I already know quite well. While you definitely hit my musical tastes, I can’t rate this higher because the entries above it brought something new to the table.

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


Back to back 4th place finishes!

So far:

11th @6ix
10th @pyatnitski
9th @cassette
8th @MysteryConman
7th @Rivaldo
6th @FuncrusherPlus
5th ?
4th @MrWookie

Yeah, I’m definitely not cooking it myself.

I’ve never even had it. Just googled “best steak.” Some people don’t get my jokes.

First member of the Podium

In 3rd place earning 9 points

Illenium - Hold On

Simply put, love it. Hadn’t heard this one before but I’m definitely adding it to my playlist. Just poppy electronic goodness.

My best guess for this one is @goofyballer

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Anyone know who 5th place was? Before revealing top 2 would be great to know if @R.C is live to go from last to first.

The top 3 were really good. The other two were both great and got bonus points for being something I wouldn’t normally listen to on my own.

lol yes let’s pause

@R.C @Pauwl @m_hood115 can any of you comfy hat you were 5th place or are still in? @pyatnitski could confirm too.

5th was not my suggestion. Your boy is in the final two.

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I remember Suicide was already submitted in one walrus i participated and R.C. mentioned he loves them in a comment so I would guess that’s his

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