Walrus 13: Reveal!!

I’ll put this again cause she’s awesome.

I thought about this, but, as you said, way too obvious.

I enjoyed listening to all of the top 5 picks.

I had never heard of any of the artists though. Not one, even in passing.

Am I alone on this? How many of these 5 artists are you familiar with?

  • All 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0

0 voters

I hope this starts soon because I spent 3 hours at the dentist today and I could use the distraction.

Next reveal is tomorrow.

Here’s a song with the word teeth in the title

And then after the dentist

oh i thought the post that said “next reveal is tomorrow” was written yesterday

Go back and check them out. Both bands are great but very different. Radiohead are one of the most popular rock bands of all time and yet still underrated. The transition from OK Computer → Kid A is one of the most impressive reinventions ever.

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I liked this one, especially the second half.

And Neil Young.

@anon29622970 did you like the next round better?

The first time I listened to The National Anthem I was on mushrooms (also the first and only time I did mushrooms) and fuck if it wasn’t incredible. Every time those horns come in I think back to that night. Great fucking song. Not a huge Radiohead guy though, otherwise.

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I tried to listen to a full album of theirs a time or 2. need lacazette! to mentor me.

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Nice one. It’s a big world out there!

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I went to see Radiohead live 20 years ago. I was 16 and it was like two years year after Ok Computer came out. I’ve waited for the concert for months. Saved up for the tickets, memorized every moment in the album.

A friend of mine just got his driver license and this was the first time he ever drove alone. We nearly died 15 times on the way to the ancient Roman Amphitheater in Caesarea but we made it. Sitting there overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, it felt like a special night.

And then Thom Yorke proceeded to play the entire unreleased Kid A album no one has ever heard before.

Thanks Thom :frowning:


I’d actually include The Bends in there as well-- it’s a great album in its own right, but it’s also crucial as a piece in their transition.

Yeah from Pablo Honey to The Bends, and then from there to OK Computer all felt massive at the time. I was never that big a fan, but they always had a great attitude to not repeating themselves.

This is where I fall also. They are respected by so many people who make music that matters that I just assumed I would really like them but I don’t.

Music is infinite and there’s only so much time on the earth.

You only really need OK Computer and Kid A. Those two are essential for any music collection imo; what preceded was OKC-lite and with the exception of In Rainbows what followed KA was KA-lite.

I stopped listening about 2 after that.