Walrus 13: Reveal!!

Thanks for hosting.

I’m guessing Neil Young was pyat.


kinda wondering where my other potential picks would have slotted, but mostly because i ended up getting so stumped on this category i just went with the first thing that perma-sticks out to me.

this might have happened for the next category too.

I submitted Eva Cassidy. It might be apocryphal, but her version gets me even more in the feels than the excellent original, but for perhaps subtly different criteria I could have gone with the original. I also liked touching on the themes of isolation and female vocals.

I almost submitted Rhianna and that other guy doing We Found Love, which is a BANGER that gets me in the feels for particularly personal reasons: it was the theme song for my wedding video. As such, it generates a ton of deep feels, as my wedding was awesome, but the video was not. Like, my brother gave an absolutely incredible best man speech, and while it was on the video, there was no audio in the video for that speech. And that was only one of the several things that were screwed up in that video. I wouldn’t expect anyone other than my wife to have the same feelings about that song, though.

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Of the songs that I didn’t submit, I’ve got @goofyballer’s as pretty comfortably in first place in my book. I’m not sure whether I feel mostly like an outsider in taste, or maybe there’s more of a weighting towards unknown music than I appreciated based on the stated rules, or maybe I’ve just missed the boat and these songs are reasonably well known among people more in the know.

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Yeah, sorry gang, that tune is sort of a cheat code and it’s not the only one I submitted.

That was the highest quality upload I could find but I’d recommend watching the non-static-image video upload:


pitbull yeah

Lol ok srsly:


pitbull yeah

Wait that one was actually an accident here it is:



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Seems I’ll likely be asleep during reveals in my european socialist hellscape, but I will try and follow behind and confirm scores/entries if needed. If the likes of Neil Young are going to get shat on then maybe that’s for the best.


Another good walrus to miss imo.

As I first read the reveal I did wonder if @anon29622970 and I have exact opposite tastes (which would be fine), but then he put Low in second and around the time that album came out I might have told you they were the best band on the planet.

Will now send the rest of the categories over and await further dream crushing.


PS Am glad other people heard the Dinosaur Jr etc. thing, the whole electric bit of that album (Rust Never Sleeps) is 90s alternative rock perfected a decade or so early. Imo and that.

I actually resisted Neil Young for ages because in the 90s he did an MTV Unplugged that all the people at school big into grunge loved, and I was far too cool to like grunge. Still am.



ok apparently there’s no way to keep the tubz inline behind either spoiler

im savoring this because my prediction for next week:

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Matthew 20:16

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i know thats not what that verse means dont @ me

Category 2 Quarantine music, something that evokes isolation

The reveal for this will be sometime tomorrow. If my schedule works out right, I plan to do this one a little earlier in the day.

Until then, here’s two versions of a song that no one submitted, but would have definitely won this category if you had submitted either one.


yeah im fucked

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Wait, that wasn’t the full category description. I’m in trouble I think.

That was the abbreviated version. It included saying something you’ve been listening to a lot in quarantine. I plan to give a lot of leeway on category fit for this one.

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Must be an error, I submitted that one!!!

Give it a minute and re-check the PM I sent. Definitely wait a minute before checking, though.

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Aw sheeit this tune below might’ve won. Similar vibe, much slower tempo.

It’s a favorite but I’ve never considered it for any walrus, not just this one.

Most obvious entry would be


I hard a hard time thinking past this: