Walrus 13: Reveal!!

wait that’s actually what he says?


Lol, you didn’t watch the bangers clip.

The feeling of being trapped in a little town hits deep and this song makes me want to gtfo with a quickness.


Totally did, multiple times, couldn’t make out the name.

I got the vibe tho, that it was a band that didn’t make club BANGERS.

Lol, he says that a banger can’t have acoustic instruments. Then mentions the lumineers.

Your category champion earning 11 points

The National - Fake Empire

Wow do I just completely love this song! Literally probably my favorite song from this era not by a band I originally posted for my examples. I don’t think it’s possible to listen to this song and not feel completely transported in time.


Great job to everyone this round!

11 R.C
10 pauwl
9 cassette
8 FuncrusherPlus
7 pyatnitski
6 6ix
5 MrWookie
4 goofyballer
3 rivaldo
2 m_hood115
1 MysteryConman

Unless Funcrusher placed third, @m_hood115 and @goofyballer would be the only two who can still win overall going into the final category. Final reveal will be tomorrow night, probably similar time.

I’m guessing FuncrusherPlus was Tame Impala.
Pyatnitski was Guided by Voices
Rivaldo was Los Dandys

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Not just a podium…but the crown!

Big thanks to YouTube’s algorithm suggesting this song years ago. Not sure why it would have because I was mainlining EDM 24/7 back then. Whatever, I’ll bask in this moment.

Glad I got to hear the other songs in this category.


Now how in the hell did this beat On The Water by The Walkmen?!?

nah gold and silver are top-shelf, hi-fives all around

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And I gotta say, #2 not “technically” being a rock band and from the “wrong” decade" and #1 not having any guitars is dynamite A+ walrus trolling.


Lol good question, let me think of a non-silly answer.

Going to listen to all these but so far so good on this holding. Literally two of my favorite songs of the 21st century finished last and second-to-last.


I submitted Tame Impala.

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yep. I was Warhol

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Officially down to @m_hood115 vs @goofyballer and mhood has a 4 point lead.

m_hood115 45
goofyballer 41
MrWookie 33
FuncrusherPlus 32
6ix 29
MysteryConman 29
cassette 28
pauwl 27
pyatnitski 26
rivaldo 24
R.C 16


Goofyballer better bring it!