Walrus 13: Reveal!!

Nah dog follow your heart.

I am being honest about being really surprised, but, that’s mainly because of how you responded to my category 1 submission. One of those “well if you liked that you’ll loooove this” scenarios.

Curveballs itt.

I think your song that finished 6th here would have also won the first category. That’s how strong I consider this category to be.

Right, they both have that quiet buildup->emotional crescendo thing going on.

In 3rd place earning 9 points

The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You

A song that I haven’t heard before but it felt like I already knew it the first time I listened to it if that makes sense. Just super catchy.

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It’s funny how random somethings are. This got tons of radio airplay in Israel and was a relatively modest hit while non of the other songs so far got any mainstream exposure


Someone, I think Funcrusher, said something about Built To Spill related to this category, but no one actually submitted one of their songs. So as another podium Bonus track, this is my favorite of their songs.

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It’s the only song thus far that I’d heard before. Like yuv, I’m surprised you hadn’t heard it.

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Are you still live?

I am. I just didn’t want to jinx myself by bragging about my great taste in this category. :grinning:

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Head to head match up, let’s do this!


Well now that we’re here I’ll tell you that the top 2 songs are the top 2 because you nailed two of my all-time favorite songs without me feeling like there’s anyway that I would’ve given these away.


You have exquisite taste.


locked and loaded


I submitted We Are Scientists. Almost submitted something from from before they made it anywhere, but the YouTube quality was usually bad to terrible.


this would podium

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In 2nd place earning 10 points

The Lumineers - Sleep On the Floor

This was honestly such a mindfuck for me seeing this song submitted. Whoever submitted this, I really need to know the thought process that went in to you submitting it? I could make an argument of how this fits this category, but ultimately this just happens to be literally one of my favorite songs of all time, so there’s no way I couldn’t rank it super highly. But I don’t think there’s any way you could have known that. The only thing that kept this from #1 is that the #1 song is also a favorite and a better fit for what I asked for in this category.

I absolutely love the music video for this song too!


This is my favorite song. I almost submitted it for the feels category. It’s a great track.


That’s what I’m saying. Given that was one of the categories how the hell would someone think to submit that and know that I love it!

It would’ve crushed the feels category.