Walrus 13: Reveal!!

wait lol we’re battling for dub category dub

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I really liked that song


In 2nd place earning 10 points

Teenage Fanclub & De La Soul - Fallin’

Poppy Alt Rock & Hip Hop together? Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for with this category!


Is this actually country or are they just dressed like they’re going to sing country? Interesting song, would have to listen to it a bunch to rank something like this.

The suspense is killing me!

Not it.

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Still a rather impressive run by @6ix to go 1st, last, last, 2nd

11 @MysteryConman
10 @cassette
9 @R.C
8 @Rivaldo
6 @FuncrusherPlus
5 @goofyballer
3 @Pauwl
2 @6ix
1 @m_hood115

MIA @pyatnitski @MrWookie

Seems almost certain Wookiee was 7 and pyatnitski 4

My guess is @pyatnitski is 4th.

Your Category Champion earning 11 points

Kesha ft. Sturgill Simpson, Brian Wilson, & Wrabel - Resentment

An awesome departure from the Queen of Bangers! Again a country sound to this song that I actually like, which is rather surprising to me. Incredible all-around musical talent on this track.

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I was


I didn’t even know this existed before, I’m gonna have to check it out. Big fan of the early Fanclub albums.

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Feeling like the champ champ


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Yes, I am 7

I like that you post the leaderboard as you go, but could you do it without @ProxyOP people? It kinda ruins the suspense to check my mentions and get jumped to the end.

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pack my bags

because I’m out of here

my mama don’t love me

and my mama don’t care

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m_hood115 now in the lead with 35 points followed by

goofyballer 33
FuncrusherPlus 28
MrWookie 26
pauwl 25
cassette 25
6ix 23
pyatnitski 21
MysteryConman 18
rivaldo 15
R.C 15

Top 2 have started to separate from the pack.

Can do

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PED test incoming

elevated BANGER blood levels

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