Walrus 13: Reveal!!

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You enjoying you some walrus, mang?


I’m getting more and more confused by the minute about what precisely a ‘banger’ is but I’m having a blast.


A banger is whatever your heart wants it to be!

that draft was definitely a final straw for “why do i try to participate in any matters of taste on this site, i do not see the world as the ex-frat bros and racist shut-ins do”

I just realized seven people submitted fucking Radiohead and Meb gave them all last place somehow.

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I am neither an ex frat bro or racist shut in and I thought that draft was a ton of fun. The playlist of songs drafted is incredible.

The joke is that we were spending a bunch of time analyzing, ranking and judging bangers when the whole point is to just like what you like. The whole draft idea started out of a joke argument about where a Shakira song ranked on the all-time list of bangers.

Reading that thread I just realized you’re Nath, holy shit.

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And, as usual, a lot of stuff I thought was mediocre was beloved, and a lot of stuff I liked and we drafted was laughed at. So I don’t need to participate with people who see the world so differently from me.

I had figured this out too, the avatar is the same and the posting style is so on point. Let’s just say, I am well aware of what he thinks of my musical tastes :joy:

I know we’re supposed to stay anon but surprise I’m in the 1/3 who didn’t submit fucking lol Radiohead.

I always think it’s going to be easier for people to figure out, then I remember that people actually have to pay attention and care enough to try to, and most people aren’t thinking about me most of the time.

I think I still have a shot in categories 5 and 6.

edit: Hey you traded me Bob Dylan for Justin Timberlake in the music label draft so I have nothing bad to say about your tastes :grin:


With you it was the opposite; after a few I was like oh snap it’s Natalie Portman.


Our 2p2 paths veered apart but 6ix = Chump Change from way back in BBV.

You didn’t really post in politics much, right? Like, there’s no possible way I missed that.


Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed. It might have been a decade since we talked!

No, when I got there the politics forum was an AnCap circle jerk and not only that very rude to anyone who wasn’t already part of the circle jerk. Penis Van Nostrum still throws tantrums about my thoughts on their stupid-ass selfish philosophy, or did last time I regularly posted in SE.

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lol I remember when you FTed a WSOP event the first time

it was like the inaugural 6max NLHE right?


Don’t remember if it was the inaugural 6-max, but it was 2006, and I chose it specifically because the inaugural 50k HORSE started the same day (also because my game is better the shorter the table is).


The Music Label draft was a really good time. If I had just followed through with my instinct to draft up and coming stars Pitbull and Taylor Swift, who both went Undrafted in this draft from 2010, my label would have been perfect.

Reality: my draft was kind of a weird joke where I drafted largely based on record sales and Grammy awards for most of the draft with my only goal being to unite Justin Timberlake, T-Pain and Andy Samberg so we could put out I’m On a Boat and Dick In a Box. I don’t think anyone else found my joke funny.

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I mostly remember thinking the JT pick came across like you wanted Madonna and got sniped, so you panicked and took the next pop star. Like when the Steelers took Artie Burns right after William Jackson or the Bengals took Billy Price right after Frank Ragnow.

I was pretty happy with my label dexcept I missed out on the two big Davids. Also, I think SarcasticRat sniped a bunch of the late-round musicians I wanted. (Also, he sniped the two big Davids! My label has been working on a hostile takeover ever since.)

What do you know, I still have the spreadsheet. It’s been ten years!

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Yeah, I didn’t talk politics in BBV for lol obv reasons but I tried to inject a super low key “be kind and share” message into my shit. Paying people when they got grimstarred and what not.

Like, one of my nicer BBV memories was somehow binking a $15 dollar BBV tourney and putting the prize up for a BBV freeroll and convincing Gildwulf and others to donate to the prizepool. You nor I FTed so we were betting red/black flops for $10 a pull.

I’d like to think shit like that had an effect, “Chump Change is cool and he says be kind and share,” but who knows.

Lol, Watevs here is Bakes btw.

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