Walrus 13: Reveal!!

Warning to all, I doubt any category’s rankings will inspire as much hate as this one. Should be fun!

I think this phenomenal.

I know I mentioned it before, but I saw Pitbull live at the Nokia Theater in LA right after the Margarito vs Mosley fight(the one where Mosley’s trainer caught Margarito’s trainer wrapping his hands with plaster pre-fight).

Pittbull absolutely brought it as a performer/entertainer. The entire place was dancing and smiling and loving life. 100% of the people in attendance got there money’s worth. It was a top 3 live performance atmosphere that I’ve experienced.

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I’ve always heard that about Pitbull that he actually cares about making it a good experience for his fans. The whole story about him doing a concert at a WalMart in Kodiak, AK is amazing!

“But you gotta understand, I’ll go anywhere in the world for my fans.”

“Keep bulls***ting. Next thing you know we’ll be on the moon.”


Pitbull>>>>Thom Yorke ainec

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You’ll never find Pitbull not playing his greatest bangers after you’ve shelled out your hard-earned to see him.

that’s why he’s 4 greater than sign thom yorke. I was initially on 3 signs, but that Alaska piece added an extra.

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Yeah, I went to an exhibition called Picasso’s Picassos once and some of my favourites weren’t there.

What a shit artist.


It would seem so.

i honestly have no idea what your problem is. you don’t seem to get any jokes, you are being obtuse about really simple concepts and you keep failing at trying to ‘get’ people here. in all seriousness i get that cuse guy was mean to you that one time but get over it man and start posting good again. it appears you truly hate everyone around here lately.

i was joking in regards to pitbull and radiohead, as they are clearly non comparable in any way, good or bad.

I’m not the best at picking up on irony on forums. It seemed like a genuine anti-Radiohead rant in keeping with your previous posts.

Unless I’ve just been levelled again lol.

My anti-radiohead rant is also half-jest. they are clearly very good. they are also clearly pretentious douches, which is something that often comes with being very good.

anyway this has little to do with a perfectly good walrus so let’s stop ruining it

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This next category was the one I thought was my weakest contribution. If y’all don’t beat me, you need to re-evaluate your musical tastes.

ten angry cats coming for you

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@anon29622970 are you gonna confirm/deny banger status for those tracks I posted a few posts up or leave me enveloped in this shroud of mystery?

One last funny wrinkle is this is the first walrus I didn’t submit edIT and The Glitch Mob when they might’ve crushed this category. I mean, they bang hard stank filth nasty but I wouldn’t ever have thought they made Certified BANGERS™.

Lol but they are good and people should listen.

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I’ve resigned my duties as official judge of Banger status. It’s on to the next generation to dispense the Pitbull and Banderas gifs.

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I dig that

but I opened that BANGERS DRAFT! Presented by Pitbull thread and this track popped right in my head

I bet I can make you come out of retirement for one last post

I love that track and I think it makes me feel like you feel about Pitbull.