When I saw your post in the other thread I knew I’d messed up.
My mind is blown that I’m still around
Fuuuuuck youuuuuuu i didnt submit maggot brain because u insisted it cant have any lyrics
Jean P would have known to disregard that warning.
This was my drunken rage write up while listening to Maggot Brain that night:
Jesus Christ, why did I make the no lyrics rule? Maggot Brain just has lyrics at the intro. Has no impact on the song. Oh my fucking god, Eddie Hazel. I fucking made rules that disqualified this fucking song?
ditto, especially after reading the convos in this category so far, lol
I wanted to submit this too, which might not have done well either but was the first one that popped in my head. It has an introduction tho, which apparently means nothing because this shit is more rigged than a florida elections.
In 7th place with 8 points
- Artist Unknown - Music Catch
" This was from a flash game I played back in the early 2000s. It always helped me destress. I’m a fan of songs that start out slow and get bigger and louder as they progress. I don’t listen to instrumentals but this was one song that has always stood out to me. I don’t expect to score well on this category but I hope you at least enjoy a nice chill session ."
Drunk First Impression
Artist unknown? What the fuck does that mean? Like a traditional song before music was recorded? Nope. Sounds like a modern song. Weird video. My brain is doing rain man calcs right now. Nice piano song. Speeding up now. k, that’s enough. It’s thundering and lightening out right now. Rain started. Makes these songs way more epic. Clair de lune is visible. Shit I’m at the end. I made some threat about no horror movie songs. I think the ELO song might count. Boom! Thunder hits. Trees are swaying all fuckin mad. Flash Flash. Boom Boom. Now you’re just narrating a thunder storm. Go to bed, Pauwl.
This is a song called “Before Dawn” by Isaac Shepard. A nice piano song. I adore piano music. It doesn’t really sound like a videogame song to me. Very relaxing. I like how it speeds up and slows down. It kinda builds tension/excitement. Really pretty. This gets the piano song bump. I like everything on piano.
loving these drunk write ups lmao
Im on tilt rage that will only get worse as the opening theme from seinfeld wins the category
In 6th place with 9 points
- BT - Ferris Wheel (Love theme from Monster)
“You said film scores, so here we are. Yes, it’s the same BT who makes electronic music. He has also done several movie scores. This is not, I confess, the original version, which is quite long. This is the orchestral arrangement he wrote for his greatest hits album, which condenses it without sacrificing any of the elements that made the original great.”
Drunk First Impression
BT? Oh fuck me, is this gonna be some boy band? K, it’s not. I’m dumb. This the movie with the goddess right? Charlize Theron? Is there an accent in that name? She say “J’adore” in the fuckin perfume add. Is she French? Never saw that movie. Alright, song is ok. Cuttin it off short, figure it out tomorrow. There better be a fuckin horror movie soundtrack soon or you all get zero points.
Yup, this is what I called for. Film scores. Don’t have to see the movie to feel them. Horror films and dramas often have great film scores. Sci-fi too. Surprised nobody entered Vangelis.
I never saw the film. Making it up in my head to go along with the song. Is this near the end of the film where the main confrontation is being overcome? Sounds like redemption. I like this. This gets the film score bump. I like being told how to feel (winking face).
Abolish movie scores
This was mine. The film was a biopic about Aileen Wournos, the serial killer. Charlize won an oscar for it. This is actually from the “love scene” when she and Christina Ricci are at the fair. It’s probably from the only “happy” moment in the film, lol. So yes, redemption in the manner that it shows a monster being human for a moment
In 5th place with 10 points
- Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy of Gold
"If you’ve heard of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly then you know this song. Song just pumps me up. Don’t really have anything special to say other than I love it."
Drunk First Impression
K, I’ve watched old school westerns just to hear this guy’s music. They had a old school western film festival where I live. Went to all of them. This guy is fucking epic. Holy shit, it’s like a fucking orchestra doing this. Choir singers. Serious biz. I kinda know this song, but never heard it like this. Wicked! Jungle is Massive! Fuckin wicked! k, close it. Savor it for tomorrow.
I don’t know, this is pretty epic. “He keeps saying “epic”. Eye-roll”. That vibrato. Wow. Full disclosure: I have not seen “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” so I’m only mildly familiar with this. Look at their little weird musician faces. That voice though. My god. Unreal!
I’m completely fine losing to that one.
(PS To anyone daft enough to remember my Walrus story about a woman I took to a concert where she walked out, she also left at the intermission of one with Ennio himself conducting!)
Ooooooooooooo I almost picked that one!
Edited it out at the last minute for my own pick.
In 4th place with 11 points
- Ry Cooder - Paris Texas
“I always love it when this comes on when I am driving in the dark late at night”
Drunk First Impression
Wasn’t this a movie with something Dean Stanton. In the movie Lucky. Sang “A closer walk with thee” in the “Cool hand Luke” movie. Ok, Ry Cooder. I know, I know. Slide guitar afficianado. He used a glass slide on his 2nd finger as I recall. Confirm tomorrow. This is good. I like this. K, next song. I got the jist of it. This is gonna place high.
Harry Dean Stanton. Confirmed Ry Cooder played a glass slide on his pinky finger. Same as Elmore. The smart way to free up the other 3 for fretting. I put it on my ring finger. So did Duane and Derek Trucks does too. Bonnie Raitt played it on her 2nd finger, I think that’s who I was thinking of. “Nobody cares, nerd. Review the song!”
Atmospheric. Moody. Check. Sweet slide guitar sound. This is really good. Minimal sound, just the slide and some rippling background sounds. Outstanding. What do I do? Does this beat REDACTED ?
As a matter of fact, that actually looks like my old write up for it too.
Gotta wonder if KONY forgot to send the revised copy.