Walrus 11thish (Pauwl's) - Reveal Thread

Yeah, the second half is mainstream (classic rock radio stuff). It’s wild, like two songs. However, I can hear elements of the first part in the second half, but too subtle to matter.

In 11th place with 4 points

  1. Pixies - Cecilia Ann

" This was easy. I don’t listen to instrumental songs. Unless, of course, they happen to be the opening track to an album I listened to before yootoobz existed. I was surprised by how much I still like it."

Drunk First Impression

I of course know thing song as Pixies are a GOAT band. Good song choice. J’aime ca. 3rd beer comment. Still coherent.


Yeah, Pixies got nodiumed. Unreal. This gets placed here because of familiarity. I know this song quite well. It’s a great song. I’ve just heard it alot. This is a tough category.


Woo-hoo, I beat a Pixies song!

The artist I chose deserves more love so hopefully they get it here.

wow, this was on my list of potential submissions for this category, knowing your tastes. Good thing I went elsewhere. (this song is awesome, though)

I did not beat a pixies song because i sent it. Seems silly, i will send only Israeli music from now on :(



In 10th place with 5 points

  1. Pullman - To Hold Down a Shadow

Drunk First Impression

I added a new fucking playlist. Piece of shit youtube. I gotta do this again? Oh fuck off. I have to click “create playlist”. Asshole computer. Fuck you.

Nice song. Acoustic. Pretty chill. I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow. Gotta get through these tonight.


This is again a very good song. Acoustic guitar. Kinda sounds like a banjo at parts. Kinda sad but inspirational. Good entry.

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I know. This was a really tough category. I felt bad about a lot of these placements.

Was this you, btw?


You hate to see it.


This category was not such an easy game.


In 9th place with 6 points

  1. The Soft Boys - You’ve Got to Go Sideways

" Not a Phillip Glass-type song, but one of my favorite underground power-pop bands of the late 70s / early 80s put together a real jam. Bonus: In 7/8 time! Maybe I should have gone with a film score-type track, but I like this one too damn much, and you said you like indie rock and weird sub genres…"

Drunk First Impression

K, this person read my descriptions good. Don’t be a dick. What the fuck are these weird dolls on the beach. Ok, got it. Listen to the rest tomorrow.


Another guitar song. The guitar kinda has that telecaster country tone to it. But the keyboard/synth comes in and gives it a cool atmospheric feel. I liked it.

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Chrono Trigger is possibly of the best JRPG of all-time. For its time, it was far beyond any other game out there.


yeah, that was me. Everyone should listen to Underwater Moonlight.

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really enjoying the variety in this category so far


I was actually crawling back here to post that if people have any way to play Chrono Trigger and you haven’t played it before (or even if you have!), you should definitely do so. It’s just a delightful experience and should still hold up fine, was great the last time I played it a few years back although I am biased by nostalgia. Maybe someone can find an even better song off the OST!

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I’m a guitar player. So this next one is really…


In 8th place with 7 points

  1. Jimi Hendrix - The Star Spangled Banner

(song ends at 3:42)

" I’m not partiotic in the slightest, nor do I think the US anthem is particularly good in a musical sense, but for one moment, you could point to this performance and say “Hey, all other countries, beat this!”"

Drunk First Impression

Hendrix? Who doesn’t know this song. I posed with his wax figure in Vegas. I don’t recall this sounding like this at all. This is live. God, he fucks it up good. His fucking thumb can do bar chords. I can barely connect my thumb and pointer finger around the neck. Like fuck off, how am I supposed to play like him. Crowd doesn’t seem that into it. Fuckin plebs. That’s how my brother talks “plebs”. Whammy Barrrrrr!!!. Otto voice: Hendrix Rules!


More sacrilege on my part here. I put it lower because of familiarity and obviousness. Wasn’t this featured in the Simpsons? But I still like it alot. Awesome guitar fuckery. Dive bombs. Look at his facial expressions. I like the interview at the end. I didn’t know “hate mail” was a term back then. It would have been amazing if somebody submitted Maggot Brain. Ignoring the lyrics, Eddie Hazel vs. Hendrix. Song vs. song, I’d give it to Maggot Brain. No contest I guess. A better Hendrix song vs. Maggot Brain. Oooowweeee!.

How is this in 9th? What the fuck? Reconsider.

Side Note: I don’t call people “plebs” IRL. My brother talks like that. I have to look up what it means half the time. I give him shit for it. It’s a rude dismissive term.