Video Games

Smeared Joker + Ancient Joker is an elite combo

Also, Egg + Gift Card + Swashbuckler, especially if you can get them early.

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Nice, ill have to share some when I find really good ones.

So, FFVII Rebirth hits next Thursday and is getting raves. I also loved the first FFVII remake.

I donā€™t have a PS5 and have no interest in anything else for PS5 since The Show came to xbox. So the question isā€¦ how much would you personally spend on a console for a single game?

TBH if you loved something as generic as ff7 remake thereā€™s a lot of other similar games that you canā€™t get on xbox like the last of us, horizons, god of wars, all 3d over the shoulder run around looking for loot behind barrels between cutscenes games.

Two comments about this

  1. I get that FFVII remake was basic and a bit of a walking cooridor simulator, but nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
  2. Based on critic reviews, the new game has done away with the walking sim portions and moved it into a more open world/choose your own pace type of thing which really appeals to me, esepcially in the world of Midgar

All of those were available on PS4 which I have, so there is nothing that I need on Ps5 that I havent played yet aside from this

I have a hard time separating good reviews from nostalgia hopium really for stuff like this. I didnā€™t like remake for the few hours I played it but yeah Iā€™ll probably play all 3 games when theyā€™re done, for the PS6 in 5 years. But mostly Iā€™m irritated by the 3 games and the retconning which appears to be done solely to put more of you know who in these games.

I kinda like how they approached the idea that this story isnt simply a remake of the original. It opens up the possibility that while we are nostalgic for the game, we are likely to get beats we have never seen before, and with the powers of a certain character it makes a lot of sense. The ending of rhe first tackles that idea pretty hard. It seems like the second one goes even further.

I waited for FFXVI to get a PS5 and loved the first 1/3 of the game, but the story got meh quickly. There will be other exclusives that are incredible games so I say go for it if you really want to play FFVII Rebirth, there might be another GOW at some point, or Soulsbourne Ring game that is a PS5 exclusive and you may not want to wait for PS6. I assume PS6 is at least 5 years away and probably more.

Balatro is amazing, once you get a hang of it you can really build a deck into some incredibly synergies and the huge numbers are very very satisfying.


Yeah this is lots of fun. The whole multiple decks/difficulty thing I havenā€™t quite gotten my head around in order to figure out what the overarching ā€œgoalā€ is, a la beat ascension 20 for all classes in Slay the Spire.

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Mult go brrrrrrrr

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Yeah, fot some reason I am grtting this shit kicked out of me on the deck that gives you two Fools to start with. Ive put together some incredible builds, but my mult is constantly garbage with this deck and I cant figure out why. I think im on an 0-10 streak

I hate the ending of ME3, I keep trying to choose something and the dialog choices wonā€™t let me make the choice I want.

Iā€™ve tried twice to make a choice and each time I picked the thing I didnā€™t want somehow. Having to go all the way back.

Oh snap, 2012 called and wants its discourse back


The devs had a clear ā€œcorrectā€ choice in mind when they wrote the game(s). Itā€™s pretty obvious what they think the right choice is. (Spoiler: itā€™s synthesis)

Trouble is, something like 85% of players chose the Destroy ending, because thatā€™s ostensibly been the goal all along! Proving that when you write a game with choices, you can never predict what people are gonna do.

I stand by the conspiracy theory that emerged ā€“ prior to the devs redoing the ending and making it more explicit, anyway ā€“ that synthesis was a ruse by the reapers to take control of Shepard, and Destroy was the only correct decision.

The fucking luck, in this run, blows my mind to smitherines. Holy shit.

300 million isnā€™t too bad

fucking ante 13 is insane

Maybe I need to start streamingā€¦


Thats the stream king right there. I think hes in the top 300 on twitch

I was not expecting to like it but have definitely gotten sucked in. Finally getting the hang of deck building. Scored a 1.7 million point hand l. It felt prett satisfying.