Video Games

My take is that is a perfect game and I become defensive when I hear or see any criticism of it. Silly, I know, but it is what it is. For what it’s worth I enjoy part 1 more as an experience but part 2 is just perfect and I won’t be accepting any other opinions at this time.

I agree! Part 1 was better in a story/experience kind of way and while I also like the story in Part 2 it is more fun from a gameplay point of view. I love the combat in the game, the small tweaks they made were great.

The new version of Part 2 is adding a randomized combat mode where you play different maps or areas of the game with different characters and recive upgrades and stuff as you go, if you die you lose everything and start over. It sounds perfect for me I’m going to waste a lot of time on it.

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Yeah I am disappointed that the multi-player game got scrapped. The original Factions mp is so damn good. Servers are still running on the PS4 remaster.

The failed Saints Row 2022 reboot is free on Epic games today. This game bombed big time with lots of bad reviews but hey free is free.

I will probably play TLOU2 at some point (hopefully before the second season of the show comes out)

I haven’t played many RPGs but started playing Baldur’s Gate 3 last night. I have no idea what I’m doing but this game has me hooked.


Swinging in the back yard
Pull up in your fast car
Whistling my name

I know a few of these arent new, but some pretty signifcant older games will hit gamepass in January.

AC: Valhalla and the RE2 remake are exciting additions

RE2 remake is so good, if you enjoyed the original ones (mainly 1-3) at all it should be a play.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is free on Epic Games today.


Interesting article on Cyberpunk 2077 (free link)

CD Projekt, a small, Warsaw-based developer with few other big hits

Not how I would introduce CDPR, although I guess it’s technically accurate. To be fair, the article does mention the Witcher series a few paragraphs down.

lmao, “a few other big hits”

I still haven’t played the CP2077 expansion/DLC…and probably wont get to it until summer. Just no time.

Same. Been playing horizon zero west dawn something sequel. Having fun.

So I decided to give Palworld a go to see what all the hype is about because it seems like every single streamer is playing this game. Pokemon with guns they say.

I’ve put in 5 hours so far and I’ve barely left the base to explore yet it’s somehow incredibly fun and rewarding. They seem to have to game dialed in just right so it doesn’t feel too grindy. I can see now why people just can’t stop playing it.

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I played Mass Effect 1 for the first time over the past few days. It’s a very comfy length for a game, taking me about 35 hours to do almost everything in it (about the same as Spider-Man 2 for me).

I have a couple of issues that I’ll just chalk up to the game’s age. The UI was a little clunky, and a lot of side missions re-used the same assets over and over again.

Overall, though, it’s a lot of fun zooming around the galaxy having adventures, leveling up your character and making tough choices. I also got pretty good at surveying large deposits of thorium.

I have have the legendary edition, which also includes parts 2 and 3, so the rest of the trilogy is next on my playlist. For $20 it’s an incredible value.


The Mass Effect games are so fun. 2 and 3 are quite a bit different gameplay wise, for the better imo.

I’m playing them too right now, think I’m more than half done #1. Was free with the monthly games things on Playstation.

I remember playing the first one and just found the missions and actual gameplay to be a bit too repetitive

About 7 years late but damn, BOTW is a really well done game. And i guess i get to play the next one that is also supposedly great after.

I guess i get the theory behind the weapons breaking as its treated like ammo and you have to explore and collect and use each weapon accordingly at the right time but i think they at leaat could have allowed a little more use out of them instead of breaking after only a few swings.


Wow this is cool. More updates please. BOTW is a legendary game. My hot take is that BOTW needs to exist in order for us to have TOTK, but TOTK basically made BOTW worthless and has no replay value now.