Video Games

Graphics are pretty important for me, they don’t need to be ultra realistic but the weird cell shaded style in this Zelda game are one of the reasons I haven’t bought it.

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I’m glad I didn’t read any spoilers for TOTK because this mech suit is awesome

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Man, completely disagree with what I want out of games myself.

So many older games that aged badly prioritized graphics over game play.

Wind water still looks beautiful.


I think this is one of the things I really love about this game. Nobody is really playing it the same way. I have zero imagination and suck at building, so my ultrahand excursions are mainly for things like getting around to story beats, shrines, and cool monsters to fight. Somebody else might spend 45 minutes creating an elaborate rube goldbergian style trap gauntlent and then lure monsters into them one after the other to kill them.

My son has played close to the same number of hours that I have. I have 12 heart containers, he has 4. I have 4 extra stamina pieces and he has 1. Ive finished three dungeons and he doesnt even know that dungeons exist. Ive collected every story piece tied to the geoglyphs, and he yesterday asked me “what are those weird green lines on the ground.”

Ive built a path in the underground that ties to the main overarching story, and hes activated nearly all of the lightroots.

Its crazy. Its two entirely different experiences in the same game. Is there any other game out there where two people can have such vastly different gaming experiences?

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It’s incredible. I was standing next to a chasm yesterday by a village and looked over and a god damn dragon appears and flies in. I saved quick and glided over and rode it through the underground. Someone who has played this game for 50 hrs could have not had that experience and I got it like 10 hrs in.

Eating: 1 hour
Sleeping: 6 hours
Kid stuff: 2 hours
Tears of the kingdom: 14.5 hours
Hygiene: 30 minutes

Someone who is good at time please help me budget this. hyrule is dying


Obv way too much time in the sleep bucket. My most productive Hyrule hours are 11 Pm - 3 AM


Also, combine eating with TotK, profit.

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A fun kids activity could be “come watch daddy play Zelda”

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Give the child a remote with no batteries and they can think they are playing…


I rolled credits on TOTK yesterday after doing all of the main questline, about 100 shrines and a smattering of side quests. Some initial spoilery reactions:

This is much more similar to Breath of the Wild than I was expecting. That was a great game, but I lost a lot of the sense of discovery I had with that game here with a few exceptions.

The depths was a cool concept with the darkness and gloom really adding a sense of danger initially. Later on, the gloom is less of a challenge, and further exploration of the depths makes it feel like it’s mostly empty. I feel like they could have either added more content here, or just made the depths have isolated pockets instead of a fully interconnected map that was the same size as the overworld.

They added a fuckton of caves. Most of them are pretty simple, so I think they would have been better off sticking with fewer caves that were more interesting, like the one where you have to follow the statues to find the treasure.

Traditional dungeons are back. The neat geometrical arrangement of most of them is feeling a little dated to me compared to, say, the crazy level design of Elden Ring. I’m not sure if you can make the multiple path style work with puzzle based dungeons, but even something like the pipes in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds was more confusing than anything in the TOTK dungeons, and that type of layout could work in principle with traditional Zelda ideas. I still enjoyed the dungeons for the most part, and I thought the addition of sky islands (or depths) plus dungeons made them more interesting. I especially like the booby-trap theme of the lightning dungeon and the combined sky island and construct depot that made up the spirit dungeon.

Many of the shrines were fun, but I wish they added in a shrine that was much larger and acted as a another dungeon. The labyrinths kind kind of did this in BOTW, but in the one labyrinth in this game that I’ve solved so far, they added somethign that made it easier to find the correct path.

Overall, a very fun game, but I don’t think it lives up to the sky-high expectations that it would be path-breaking in the same way of BOTW. Instead, I view it as adding in things that the developers would have liked to included in BOTW but weren’t able to because of time constraints or Wii-U limitations.


Lord of the Rings : Gollum (PS5). OMG, it was terrible. It starts out as a slavery simulator working below the earth in an orc prison. Eventually, you get out but the first half was brutal. The gameplay is terrible, the story is terrible. It was advertised as a stealth game, so I thought it would be similar to Styx: Shards of Darkness. Nope! Complete garbage!



200 hours in and I find the OOT shield



I know where I think it should be based on things Ive found in a similar area, but I cant find it and i refuse to use a walkthrough for it. Gotta keep scouring.

Roll credits somewhwre between 130 and 140 hours.

Its fantastic. The story is strong without being mind blowing. The final fight is thematic and better than BotW. The first cutscene following the end fight is wonderful. I was probably overpowered heading into the final fight, so 60 hours is probably the sweet spot for a competitive and difficult ending. I enjoyed the story all the way through, and highly encourage getting all dragon tears prior to finishing the game.

The game does not live and die by the story. The experience 100% comes down to the gameplay. I will probably put another 100 hours in on sidequests before I put it down prior to the DLC.

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This is spot on. When I went to buy TotK, they had an offer for two game vouchers for $99, so I did that since Zelda was 70 on its own, and picked up Metroid Dread as my second.

Its awesome. The graphics are great for the system, but who really gives a fuck? Its so much fun.