Video Games


Over 60 hours in, I figured out the Great Plateau is also in this game

Spoilers for first half of game:

Lightning Temple was my favorite of the first four dungeons. Sludgetorok was the cutest but also most annoying boss to fight. It probably would have been easier if I used a fire hydrant. Puppet Gannon cleaned my clock the first time in Hyrule Castle because I wasnā€™t expecting a major boss fight. After stocking up on supplies for the second try, I obliterated him.

Overall itā€™s been tons of fun so far, and it feels like thereā€™s much more left to do.

My four year old has reached the age where he likes watching me play video games. Iā€™ve been replaying Banjo-Tooie for the N64.

If I could choose to play any game ever for the first time with zero knowledge of what I was getting into, it would be this game. Just a perfect platforming/puzzle game that isnā€™t overly challenging


Not sure Iā€™m getting the love for BOTW 1.1 tbh. The combat/weapon gathering isā€¦ obnoxious. You need double the weapons now basically. I just spent like 1/2 hour doing nothing useful because I didnā€™t have a weapon with a rock on it. And I keep getting 1 shot by everything, never enough bomb plants, IDK, maybe Iā€™m doing this all wrong. I did play and mostly enjoy 1.0. Iā€™ll keep shrine hunting (thereā€™s not even a detector?) and getting hearts.

Different question, does anyone know how to debug a huge latency spike in a game? I still play late night overwatch for some reason and the last 3 days my latency number has been high (before was 30), and then today it was unplayable at 230. says my ping is 11ā€¦

Small spoiler but there is a shrine detector out there

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Btw here is a pretty good video outlining some of the great QOL changes.


And here is music dude Charles Cornell (no relation to Chris) geeking out to the absolute banger of a theme.

Ive been humming Duh nuh NUH NUH NUH under my breath the last two weeks

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BOTW 1.1 gtfo with that shit. Thats like calling Horizon Forbidden West or GOW Ragnarok dlc.
This game is incredible. The new abilities alone make it worth the price of admission. Figuring out different ways to deal with traversal and combat are an absolute blast. Iā€™ll give you the durability stuff is a pain early but becomes less so as you progress. The performance stuffā€¦itā€™s a switch game man, come on. A game doesnā€™t have to be 4k 60 fps to be great.

I actually think itā€™s pretty incredible they were able to improve on what was already awesome and make something so familiar also seem so fresh.

Love his channel and that video.

There are ways to get plenty of bombs later in the game. Enemies still hit for a lot of hearts, but I donā€™t get one shot anymore after filling up the first row (which took more hearts than I expected). Sage summons also help with that later in the game.

I mentioned it upthread but this game with this much in it being only 16 Gigs is an absolute marvel. Instead of being mocked for the graphics, this should be lauded as one of gamingā€™s greatest technical acheivements.

I mean, I did almost everything you could do in Marvel Midnight Suns. I beat the campaign, did all the DLC quests. Took me about 30 hours, and I was absolutely finished when I was done. I will never pick it up again. The file size for that game without DLC is 60 fucking GB. I was never once as awed by that game as I am multiple times a day playing TotK. I have over 20 hours in, and my map is less than half done. I will likely play another 100 hours min.

There isnt anything like it in the gaming sphere, and there certainly isnt anything like it in this size range. Not even close.

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A Link to the Past was under 1MB

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And its my favorite game of all time (sorry TotK)

Fine, BOTW 2. Tears of the Wild, Breath of the Kingdom, I donā€™t care - its not a new zelda game. Thereā€™s been likeā€¦ 10, and all have been completely different, other than this one. (Iā€™m still playing of course)

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ā€œRealisticā€ graphics are the most overrated things in gaming.

If youā€™re remembering your favorite games ever, how important were the graphics to such?


Oracle of Ages and Seasons :)

Ocarina of Time/Majoraā€™s Mask
Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks

Theyā€™ve done it a bunch.

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OK Iā€™ll concede I didnā€™t do much nintendo/zelda stuff before the previous one so could be wrong here. Still really surprising to see not only the same exact animations, enemies, sounds, icons, overworld, music in parts, etc etc and be labelled a $70 new game. Not that its not worth it just a little surprised. I thought at least likeā€¦ the fonts would change.

Wild, turns out this is because we bought a ā€œwifi extenderā€, just its existence/being on causes this, who knew?

I agree that this is much more similar to the previous Zelda game than is typical, but here I think itā€™s a Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 situation, where both are excellent and the 2nd further develops the core mechanics and ideas of the first.

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