UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I mean, here in the UK, it pretty much means “buddy” :laughing:

You’re a Brit?

I live in London, yes.

I can’t remember where I read/heard it, but it’s a truism that most “fighting words” are terms of endearment and most “friendly” words are insults. When it’s kicking off, you would usually hear something like “come on then, mate” whereas when you’re just having a bit of banter you’d probably hear something like “you silly ■■■■■■

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I like that this is the only place on the internet where the majority of people would know what letters all of these stars represent.

I’m against censoring words as that gives the author a place to hide in a way. Poor word usage should be confronted by the community.


Words are obviously important but during these types of discussions people always forget context matters far more.


I don’t. If I had to play “fill in the blanks”, I’d probably go with “sucking dick” and “greedy bitch”, but I really have no idea.

I don’t think we’re disagreeing on anything?

Oh, maybe in that case. Obviously it has a lot of uses, context dependent. I didn’t mean for my post to be an exhaustive list of uses, it was more just an observation.

As for “banter” - not sure where you’re coming from there? In every group of friends I’ve ever had there has been an element of taking the piss out of each other, I don’t think that’s bullying at all, it’s just how people interact.

Hmm. Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever used the word “banter” IRL other than ironically with scouse/geordie friends. Is it a northern thing?

Edit: just remembered, an ex used to describe people as having “good banter”. She was Scottish, from the Edinburgh side.

The more I think about it, the more I think you might be right there. I’ve never really pondered it before.

Lol, well my response looks a bit stupid in light of your edit. Obviously I don’t go around calling random people ■■■■■■

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Grunching again,

are you by any chance referring to this post:


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I see.

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this mf said acclamed

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This tweet came across my timeline and my knee jerk response was “without a doubt”.


Thinking about it though do I? I certainly admire a lot of women. I also do not have a lot of male role models, just a few and most are now deceased. Plus this male role models took form for me while I was relatively young. Have plenty of men I admire, but not putting anyone new up there as a role model.


Also my mom is close for me but I had a pretty turbulent childhood relationship with my mom due to many factors. As I grew up my respect and admiration grew deeply. My dad was a role model for me since consciousness.

I wouldn’t really call anyone a hero of mine, but I nominate Jane Goodall.


Basically this.

One of my best friends mom is a hero of mine. Grew up in the jim crow south and still has an amazing amount of compassion for her fellow humans. Also has a book of poetry that is published and has promised to write and read a poem at my wedding.

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AOC is currently my only hero. Other than Cristiano Ronaldo, who is a hero in genetics only.

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