UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I’ll trample through a few hundred posts a little later to satisfy you, my mod. While I do that maybe u could rethink what a gross personal attack is versus what u label as hyperbole because it suits your crusade.

Yeah they are all created equally. Why should a bartender have to put up with unwanted advances from a coworker any more than a lawyer should?

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The personal attacks have absolutely zero bearing on you using a gimmick to defend yourself, or creeping on young women.

Gotta say I was a bit on his side about 6ix’s attacks but it’s hard to see how the gimmick isn’t him. I don’t see how this guy is going to be good for the community based on his posting thus far.

I basically don’t 100% see the venn diagram where someone who posts and thinks like him is:

  • Smart enough to know to use a VPN to hide their gimmick

  • Not smart enough to realize how obvious it would be to only directly respond to mikelikesorgies

The likely suspect is him but you guys are acting like it could be no one else, which is wrong.

My stance is, who actually fucking cares? in my opinion you guys need more going on in your lives.


THERE IS NO PROOF I USED A GIMMICK. IT COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE GIVE UP YOUR PIPE DREAM. The account in question was created weeks after this thread started, but u never mention that. The account in question had , what 5 posts in it history? Do u really just scour the internet and it’s forums all day looking to bully w your mod status while increasing your all important post counts? I literally turned the page in BFI next door and u are doing the same thing. U are obsessive compulsive. I have one ac punt and one only. Fukking get over it. You will never be mod of the year. You will never be a PI. You are not Encyclopedia Brown. Your daily behavior across multiple forums is quite troubling if u are on the outside looking in.

Dude you’ve been throwing a temper tantrum for four days that you should be allowed to be a creep. Take your own advice and get over your weird petty self.

What posting s that ? I used the word swamp donkey and was reprimanded. I issued an apology. It was over, so I thought. 2 weeks go by I posted what I missed about a normal summer. Ok, it doesn’t float some people’s boats, some are hypocrites and a few brave souls have stuck up for me or sent me PMs loling them .

Also, what % of the time was this a female lurker that joined and got run off their first week? Imagine finally deciding to post and getting attacked from every angle. The other acc is not me. I posted on 2+2 under one screen name for ten plus years and was active daily. I was not accused one , not ever , posting over there as MrAdvantage , of using a gimmick. U don’t think it’s beyond the realm f possibility that people that try to link me to fukkin human trafficking and all the vile BS being tossed at me itt are capable of creating a gimmick to discredit me?

Just to move this discussion on from the two of you going round and round, here are what I assume are the relevant posts.

“[N]othing wrong with this” seems like a validation of your opinions.

The timing of the account creation and focus of its posts seem like circumstantial evidence that it is a gimmick account. It would seem suspicious that a new account immediately jumped into an ongoing meta-fight. It’s important to note that you haven’t been punished yet, so you’re not being treated as if you are guilty (yet), but “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t mean we can’t talk about whether you are guilty, but also, this is not a court of law.

Please, proceed.

Please cite this temper tantrum .

Please don’t. We don’t need to repeat all the posts you’ve already made ITT.

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The dates of this account are not immediately jumping in. The initial discussion was 2-3 weeks old , when this thread began, thus the villain is kinda late to the party.

The initial discussion in this thread concerned the use of the term “swamp donkey” and began on July 2, 11 days ago. Characterizing it as 2-3 weeks old seems like an exaggeration. This thread flared up again five days ago to discuss the propriety of getting excited over European underwear. The account in question was created four days ago.


I apologize for not checking the exact date of the beginning the discussion but why would my alleged gimmick wait 10-11 days to surface?

I have to deal w a weather emergency. I’ll be back for y’all to pick on in a few.

Got to get the panties off the line before the T storm rolls in?



I’m currently at my home, not there . 30-40 mph winds. That clothesline is prolly in the ocean. I’ve already lost power lol.

gl gl

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I just told you that your alleged gimmick didn’t surface until one day after the start of discussion over your post on young European women, so it could plausibly be seen as a reaction to that.

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