UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I am a moderator of this thread. I reread the exchange, much to my chagrin, and as far as I could see, no one accused you of human trafficking. But, uh, it sure as shit looks like you used a gimmick account to give cover for you being a creep.


I was purged from 2+2 the day Matt S went postal and immediately joined and offered any assistance to the immediate effort to relocate. I signed up under something like Skalankabeast (sp ) and was active briefly. About that time a went from a silent investor in a bar / nite club t0 about a 30-40 hour a week manager n duty. I was absent from multiple forums for a while but have since gone back to civilian life. That’s when I was directed here and opened up ONE not gimmick account on ONE shitty cracked iPad. ( hence my typos, I treat it like a beater at this point) .

I implore you to attach my account to any other or ceased this baseless charade immediately. I know u want me to have gimmicks, or this to be one, but the witch-hunt is unwarranted and needs to be stopped or proven true, something nobody itt has been able to do.

I have endured countless personal attacks and one POS poster on a rant even linked me to human trafficking which despite being in clear site , u have denied seeing.

Being most literal, it was your Bro that 6ix was accusing of sex trafficking, but putting the literal aside, he was writing obvious hyperbole/satire that shouldn’t be taken seriously.

The gimmick was posting using a VPN. Mismatching IPs is hardly the defense you think it is.


This is definitely a problem. Guys not reading situations but also girls “who like the chase” and “be a challenge” set an almost impossible playing field.

People should be more direct and sincere but instinct drives so much of dating and romance. Attraction rarely formulates in the rational mind. In Cuse’s example above the female should be able to say “I am not interested.” The problem is most people on the receiving end do not find that satisfactory. They want to know “why” they want to be able to fix the problem. It should be fairly easy for two adult humans to jettison moving forward when both parties are not interested. It seems like that is far from the case.

I’m just saying that it’s kind of a black eye on our community that we only have a few active women who participate. It’s a crazy coincidence that a woman signs up and her only post is one supporting you, and that her account and your account are literally the only two native English speaking accounts on the site who are also riddled with a bunch of sloppy typos.

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Putting me in the same sentence as one that accuses my “bro” shouldn’t be taken seriously? It wasn’t hyperbole. It was a vile, unwarranted personal attack which u simply chose to ignore. Kinda like when trump said “ just grab them in the pussy” . His supporters all agree that was hyperbole too. Maybe u have been internet policing a little too long. Idk your judgement seems skewed and unfair, or maybe u are just a dishonest hypocrite when push comes to shove.

The problem is two different guys can use the exact same approach and the exact same words and for one guy it garners a date and for another it gets a very negative response.

So it is not always about the “how”, the “who” is really the most important part of the equation. I agree with others who say guys have to learn to take rejection better and have to accept “not interested” as a wholly sufficient answer.

Or somebody created the account to further their agenda? What EXACTLY did this other acc do to link it to me? Can u point out these typos please? Or perhaps u have nothing and u are just making this shit up as u go, enjoying a good lynching. What are my crimes again to justify my treatment on this forum, particularly itt? Please list EXACTLY what I have done that has created this attack force labeling me the boogie man and the reason, lol , that there are not more women on this forum.

  1. You posted about how you liked to be a creep and ogle women and their disembodied underwear
  2. When called out on being a creep by multiple women and men, rather than going, “Yo, I hear ya, I shouldn’t regard women as things that walk around looking pretty for my pleasure, and I shouldn’t just gawk at them,” you got super defensive to justify your creeping, and also tried to turn the tables as if the modest hyperbole of your critics was the real issue.
  3. Out of nowhere a brand new account, posting via a VPN so as to deliberately obfuscate its origin, comes to your aid validates all your positions, even claiming to be a bisexual woman to add gravitas to the assessment. She then vanishes into the night, never to be heard from again, certainly not to answer the accusation made that she was a gimmick. Her few posts also don’t really sound all that much like most female posters I’ve interacted with, and her posts are chock full of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, much like your own are.

Please cite where this account validated all my opinions?

The posts are ITT. Find them yourself. It’s not hard.

So as a mod , u choose to ignore attacks on LE , and u refuse to supply evidence that she backed up all my positions. Lol innocent til proven guilty in trumps aMurrica. I suppose u campaign for your dictator too.

lol, right, that which you are too lazy to find yourself is definitely a secret.

Some people don’t want to be romanced at work. It’s not playing a “card” to report somebody who refuses to take no for an answer and continually pesters and pursues. The workplace is not the place for that stuff.

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Applies to u too sir.

Does this guy look like the kind of person who knows how to work a VPN? I mean, I get that it looks bad, but it could’ve been literally anyone, including people in the thread who want to make him look bad.

What exculpatory evidence have you cited but not quoted and that I haven’t bothered to investigate?

Are all workplaces created equally? I’m sure the rate of hook ups is exponentially higher on service industry jobs like bartending and turn n burn serving than say, a dentist or law office.