UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Kind of disappointing 6ix didn’t “waaaaaaat” any of my post but regardless I enjoyed what I just read.

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Your assumptions are as vile as your posting style. Do you not have a life? A significant other a hobby other absolutely making stuff up on the internet? Read a book, go wave your trump flag.

Why does this person still have an account here after making a fake woman persona to back up his creepy remarks?


I think it’s normal to vote on a ban. Feel free to make a poll if you want, I’d vote for a perma.

What drug are u on? What fake women persona did I make?


Can we get an update on the situation with the suspected fake account?

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JFC the lot of u have no lives.

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Is that a way of saying we haven’t lived unless we’ve sniffed a stranger’s knickers?


I’m not asking for a ban I’m just trying to find out what happened with the inquiry.

You’re the one spending three days whining to a forum to validate your panty peeking.

Who sniffed a strangers knickers? What drug are u on? What are u referring to now?

Everyone, alert the presses! Someone made an alt account! Get scotland yard on the case, there is DUNKING TO BE HAD


Who has no life indeed? The man who creates a fake account to validate ogling young girls from afar like a creep, or the one who doesn’t believe the gimmick is real?

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Whining? No. I simply chose to defend myself. I’ve had over a dozen false , disgusting allegations thrown at me. I’ve been accused of having alcohol drivin panty peeking drunken parties as well as aiding and abetting human trafficking. U have the balls to call defending whining? U are just as bad as the other keyboard pukes then.

I did not create that account. This is my one acc on this forum. It’s is not a gimmick and that was verified previously. I’ve even used my real name on here. Hint: it’s another posters screen name.

No moderator has received any verification that the other account was legitimate, or even received any communication that verification would be forthcoming.

It’s normal, but brand new trolls should be easier and more like act now and if anyone complains there can be a vote. Surely we wouldn’t want to require a vote on one of those buyviagracheapnow kind of accounts. That said, I don’t really care, just talking about procedure.

What does the other account have to do w me? Absolutely nothing. Why do you keep bringing this up. It HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.

I have had 1 acc on one device on here since day 1 of signing up. Whatever fantasies u may have of discovering otherwise is just your dream of “ cracking the case wide open” .

Who are the actual mods of this thread and what are the rules? Is. It common for members to say that certain members are involved in human trafficking? Is that acceptable?

True dat, but how cheap are we talking?

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