UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

That part was good.




Ty all good. Lost power, which is very unusual here, for an hour.

Is was a toss up between that and “ u are not a Hardy boy”

Well, the working theory is that you’d weathered the “swamp donkey” storm, but needed backup on ogling young Europeans.

Not sure if it was an alt account or who it might belong to, but as far as timing goes, it should probably also be pointed out that the account popped up just after Jalfrezi and Cuse started going back and forth about a possible bet where female posters would be asked to adjudicate whether a post was “pervy”


Just an FYI my cousin taught me how to use a VPN … when he was 12 and he isn’t a particularly techy 12 year old by today’s standards.

That’s an exaggeration, but feel free to go lick a doorknob. And it’s spelled “life.”

I’m not sure we have anything definitive other than the gimmick should be banned, and that Mike is an unrepentant creep.


Stellar self-awareness displayed itt.

Yes. You’re correct, I am having a full on mental breakdown right now.

But let’s please continue to stigmatize mental illness, by the way. Great line. It’ll age well.

This is the dumbest forum drama of all time


Lol is this a parody? Didnt you advise 6ix to kill himsef in that thread, which you started because someone @ you?

All i’m saying is that you should ditch the get a life approach. It’s a bad look and we all give more fuck than we probably should about an online community. That’s a big part of why such communities exist in the first place.

jumping jesus on a pogo stick, quarantine has everyone acting like fucking children.

I seriously want to lock this thread…which is really something considering I’m the only actual FEMALE moderator. Christ on a cracker, you all need to put down the phone/mouse&keyboard/ipad/whatever the fuck you post on and go talk a walk.

This is why I don’t have kids.

God DAMN it.


Red herring. Cuse’s suggested bet would have had him losing if any female poster found his post creepy. I doubt the new account supporting Mike would take that view.

The new account should be banned and Mike encouraged to post in English.

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I’m am not using a vpn or tor. I’ve stated 5 times I have one account and have logged into this site from one device since day one here. U can check this . Why are u saying I used those methods?

And u stalk forums on a daily basis looking to create drama and argue. Have u ever thought of quitting modding and perhaps run for HOA president? I wholesale tip calculators. HMU for bulk discount.

My iPad was s cracked and due to covid, I have limited options to get my screen fixed. I thought I shared that, my bad. Basically I’m treating it like a 94 Honda and running it into the ground. It will be replaced. The same people that bitch about “white privilege” in other threads harp on my “English” and typos. Maybe I didn’t have access to yous education but that only matters in the George Floyd thread I guess.

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