UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Oh, that’s what he means? Yeah well that’s the policy at a lot of workplaces in the US. And almost nobody here disagrees with that as a policy.

I said something close, that you can’t ask a woman out without it being harassment, unless she says yes. It’s your job to “read the signs” before you ask. Now, that means it’s gonna be a decade before I resume dating, but that’s tough shit.

But, apparently, you’re not allowed to call them “kids”, according to some people.

And everybody in the thread disagreed with you. Except in the workplace where many companies have that as a policy, for good reason. But still 99% of the time nobody is going to report somebody for harassment for asking them out one time, and then 99% of the time they actually do you’re still not getting fired – just told to knock it off.

Pretty sure you should just not talk about women at all when other people are present and accept being an incel.

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Totally agree. This has been SOP for me for a long time except when I have to for work. The difference between me and the classic incel is I’m not a victim. I don’t have a moral problem with anything I claim women do.

I use people all the time. “Hello people”, “People get your shit together we need to win this game” etc etc.

I essentially never say ‘ladies’. My kids are of course ‘girls’, but now in their young adultish years I don’t really refer to their friends as either ‘girls’ or ‘women’. They’re in the nopersonsland in between.

There’s a gendered term in here, but still, I like to go with ‘motherfuckers’. ‘Hello motherfuckers’, ‘motherfuckers, get your shit together’.


oh my god you’re such a martyr

I’m open to that possibility.

You should be more open to the possibility of getting over yourself.


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Grunching, but, the offensiveness lies in basing a person’s (in this case, a woman’s, whom often bear the brunt) worth on their conventional attractiveness and/or socioeconomic status (i didn’t see if he clarified his first clarification) and not the words with which he chooses to do so.

Maybe people are skipping steps and not showing their work and the above turns into “you should never call a woman a ‘swamp donkey’” but somehow I doubt it.


That’s my term for anybody under 25.


p.s. Like, if all the subtext is wrapped up in “you should never call a woman a ‘swamp donkey’” then fine, great, I’m a fan of brevity as much the next man, but my track record of being right about “it’s the ideas behind the words, not the actual words” is a long time running.

Yes, it’s been a decade since your racist uncle dropped an n-bomb at thanksgiving but yes, he’s still racist and yes, he’s voting for trump, again.

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Is there a non-gendered, non-sexist, non-misogynistic way to call Discourse Helper a bitch ass hoe who couldn’t hold Clippy’s jockstrap?