UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Every time this topic comes up, I wonder if there are some French (or other Romance language) speakers decrying the use of the masculine ‘they’ for any group including at least one male. Or do they just accept it because they have deemed it grammatically correct.

There are people outside of New Jersey that say “yous”?

Some Brits say “yous”. It’s become a useful way around the problem of how to address a mixed group.

This is the rule where i work. As long as its not a subordinate.

Was working at an ice rink last summer and the women’s coach would call her team the guys. Like the guys are taking the ice at two so could you cut it by then?

And i called them “you guys” a few times before that to some of the players and was like whoops… but then after that im like well…

Reffing teenage and pre teen girls in soccer, they routinely warn each other of an opponent by yelling “Man On!”

I routinely address a girls team as “ladies”. I guess I’m lucky they haven’t strung me up.

These are both super standard and I’ve encountered them many times.

I feel like calling out those usages as offensive (even if a male does it) is a little too woke for me.

Ladies is apparently just fine. IIRC, it was only skydiver that had, by her own admission, a unique aversion to it.

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Is this a regional thing. If so, where?

I’ve certainly encountered more Brits than the average 'Murican and I can’t say I’ve heard it even once: not in real life, TV, book, or anything else.

Must have missed that one. I still think in 'Murica, you’re fine.

Yeah there was no way im correcting a female coach in what she calls her team.

I’ll bet Kim Mulkey could give you pause.

That would be ridiculous.

I guess my point was that if someone feels that is truly wrong when a man says it, and they really feel the need to point it out, they shouldn’t go HAM. It’s fairly common and it wouldn’t be surprising for someone to be innocently unaware of any discomfort it may cause.

I try not to say it anymore regardless but as a child of the 80’s sometimes i slip. Was just making the point ive heard women say it many times too so some seem fine with it.

Plus its hard to come up with the right words when asking a group of women questions sometimes.

Do you gals want two nets or three for practice? Girls is out there… women does not work.

I mean yeah just go with do you want two or three. But yeah…

It’s a regional Australian thing. Also Ireland I think.

OP: “does unstuck have a blind spot for sexism?”

Unstuck: “you can’t even ask a girl out these days without it being harassment!”



One person arguing that represents the entire forum? Pretty much everybody else in the thread challenged it.


Come on, man. No one said that.

Maybe throw the word “workplace” in there somewhere and you might have something.

Well I’m up Shit Creek. If I start calling groups of teenage girls with their parents present “women”, they’re gonna call the cops.