UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Pobody’s Nerfect. Sanders was terrible on guns.

Man this thread sucks.


A breath of the Cape Verdean air slowly gets ushered across a breezy love affair of gusts, one minute gentle, the next aggressive and confused like cuse‘s tinder gimmick persona getting a lost like mairtíreach accepting penance for a key into heaven .

Cuse has a hope. Whatever that name of the storm, he will find fault. He grinds on New Year’s Eve w future deplorables hoping to snap off enough scratch to buy Sam Grizzlies regifted size 13.5 Nike Cortez tennis shoes. Any other name for the foot ware or Sam would be offensive,

Everyone is watching Clemson Ohio St . Cuse yells out time and Sam says it doesn’t matter, I can’t lose the f they done play 49 quarters , gots under 54 with TJ and over 56 with Eskimos. Sam says I can’t lose. Cuse busts out losing scores that might keep Sam from collecting money he side and not paying the other but s rebuffed when Sam mentions his Phil hand.
I’m s one thing to be grinding, policing the internet on NYE, it’s another to become ass kicked Eskimo xxxxx courtesy and f a mans mans. A moment of doubt crosses the poker worlds version Of Encyclopedia Brown other wise iron clad resolute , I’m s this where I’m supposed to be? Alas, his much need vindication comes in the form of his teen idol,

Cuse falls victim to the his father figures ploy and shoves a quarter that way so DS can get down on Albury,s last daily double. Three horses turn for home. Cuse is hoping Toms Thumper pulls away but Sabrina Easy and Lay for Pay gain. He sacrifices rooting equity that could get his 2 bits back . I’m he a mairtíreach or not s he graphing the interest of n a …25 loan know DS will eventually sell 13 copies of a chubby photo guys book.

Now reality hits home . The drink runner has been efficient, friendly and sounds better than Sam, but wtf that Pig Steve “ I always Wynn, unless they name it Encore” has the runner dressed half naked. Cuse cant look because he would have t jump 10 stories from his s high horse the way they dress their drink runners .

He goes all in with his last 70$ SHI P IT. The drink runner says don’t be afraid , Sams a pig you are nice . I’m off I on 20 , let’s ring n the new year l. Cuse freezes like Mason playing 1-2 w a real editor and hands the runner his playing card? “ oh hi , I’m Blair”.

To be continued…

lol wat? I applaud the effort you put into this, but wat?


Please don’t…


If Part 2 of this story includes a gambling event, I know a publisher who may be interested.


Well that was a quick process IRL. Talked to one woman, she said it wasn’t quite pervy but it was objectifying and she didn’t like it. So that’s close enough that I’m willing to say that you were right @Jalfrezi and I was wrong, I’m sorry.

More importantly I’m sorry to the women here. I feel bad, I’ll do better.

She said she would prefer that men make no comments about the appearance of other women whatsoever, as it all leads to objectifying women. She said valuing them beyond that in the statement helps make it less problematic, but it still is not good.

She said it didn’t necessarily make her uncomfortable, but it was just a reminder of all the challenges in life based on her appearance and how she’s always being judged by men in it, and she doesn’t like things that make her think about that.

So I used to think it was okay to comment on womens’ appearance as long as you weren’t being creepy and were valuing them for other things too. Mainly because I’m happy to be complimented on my appearance even if I want to be valued more for other things, and I know women I’ve known well like to be complimented on their appearance as well.

Now I have been told that’s still bad, and I’ll have to work on that. There’s a big difference between a personal compliment one on one and a comment to a group or about a third party that must be considered under the light of current society’s ills.

I imagine in 100 years if humans are still around and gender discrimination isn’t a thing, these types of things might be okay again, but until we fix that stuff it’s on us men to really put in a serious effort to avoid making womens’ appearance anything that we comment on at all.

We went on to have a discussion about this stuff and about how it impacts her in dating and in life, and there is a lot of frustration there, so comments like mine can just add to that.

I didn’t think I was going to be the one who needed to be called out and learn on this stuff, but life comes at you fast sometimes.

I’ll step back out, it seemed appropriate to post my apology and learning experience as soon as it happened. I’ll still read anything else anyone has to say.


I don’t really want to wade into anything else right at this moment, but purely in regard to this and your prior post I wanted to say thanks for modeling the behaviour MysteryConman mentioned earlier ITT:

As a very privileged straight white cis male I still have a lot of my own learning and growing still to do and while my wife is foremost in helping me with step 1, this community has become another pretty pivotal source for me.

I think the more we can all humble ourselves in front of the community (such as you have done) when appropriate, the more we can all benefit from each others experiences and become better people. No matter where people currently fall on that spectrum on UP I do think most have that genuine desire to be a better person and ally, and for me that hasn’t been an easy thing to find online.




I already decided the following, but the bottom line is guys should treat women exactly like guy friends unless she’s already interested in you. Not being able to make the first move may suck for the guy, but it’s probably better than the alternative.

I would go so far as to say all gender specific conversation is harassment or is likely to be deemed misogynistic. We just saw Cuse who knows woke culture and tried specifically to construct an appropriate scenario fall short.


I miss the simpler times when Pete was at least in the top 5 things most of us were worried about.


This is the definition of hypocrisy. “ unless she’s interested in u”. She gets to p ick me but I can’t pick her ?

Yes. For the same reason that racism by whites is worse than racism by blacks.

To the limited extent I understand dating, it’s mostly handled nowadays either by swiping in an app or dating someone you’re already friends with. These both comply with my take.

Nah, there isn’t any hypocrisy. Women probably shouldn’t be complimenting men’s bums or underwear either unprompted.


So the post wasn’t pervy but his “real” intentions were?

Are u trolling or Mars l women blow billions to be told thy look nice . Men are starting too Gimme some real life content soon or I’m letting u go

Grooming and appearance isn’t gender specific. This was funny tho


You are a moron