UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I’m not making gimmick accounts posing as a woman to argue my side, so I’ve got that going for me.


Attacks other people’s grammar while struggling with their own, hmm, who else does that here?

Never said you weren’t from America.

Lol at calling me MAGA.

Shocking, from the poster who just last week went all-in on defending his racist views and his use of a racist-term by pulling every racist argument out of the playbook this week decides to go all-in on a defense of objectifying women. I am shocked, shocked I tell you that racist @Jalfrezi is also a misogynist in addition to a racist.

This is the kind of post that doesn’t belong here and is stupid to make. Come on. It isn’t helping anything, I highly doubt it’s even remotely true, and will only fuel tensions and fights.

Fuck off with this shit, seriously.


The Venn diagram of people who hold racist views, and people who hold sexist views, have a pretty significant overlap IMO. @jalfrezi’s take here is not in the least bit surprising.

There’s a difference between sexism and sexuality. What is even happening in here? Good god.


I see from jmakin’s quote and a hidden reply that weekend poster Jmoran220 has been chiming in out of the blue, presumably called up by brother in huge hypocrisy cuse. I doubt he has anything illuminating to say. I would however be interested to hear how he squares his claimed leftist views with his day job of prosecuting a disproportionate number of black people, but of course that never gets discussed so he will remain, where practising racists belong, on ignore.

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Haha. Took you one post to dial back your “maybe I was wrong” bullshit. Shocked. Shocked.


I mean, you can pretend to ignore me all you like, and you can continue to lie and also pretend like you haven’t seen the 30 or so replies where I tell you that I haven’t been a prosecutor in over 3 years. But yeah, you’re really stupid, so I’m sure you’ll ignore this and continue on with your manufactured reality to deflect from your own shortcomings. Just like you did when you whatabouted COVID and compared it to the fucking flu and then whatabouted malaria and mocked everyone who insisted that, actually, it was going to be a big deal. It’s amazing how somebody who is always wrong about everything can continue to be so arrogant, but I guess it’s a trait you share with the President.

If you’re going to post bad takes, can you at least do it coherently?



Change and personal improvement is achieved roughly by this process:

  1. Introduction to new information, ideas, or perspectives
  2. Self reflection and introspection
  3. Attempts at incorporating new beliefs into our current words and actions

I have been guilty of expecting that others complete step 2 post haste, and then also wanting their step 3 to be executed damn near flawlessly in their first attempts.

It helps to remember that in the midst of a conversation, whether it be online or IRL, that we are engaging solely in the realm of step 1.

Also, good to remember how long it has taken ourselves to complete step 2 in the past.


Explain why please


rent free, baby!



This is fair.

Everyone needs to draw their own line about who is worth engaging with and trying to bring over and who is clearly not making any effort at introspection.

The recent spate of spats between folks I all consider reasonable posters is however strange. Dont quite understand it.


I’m going to step out of this thread for a while. It’s becoming a lightning rod for those that dislike me, who are always looking for an opportunity to make me look bad. But maybe they are right this time, I’m not sure. I apologize to those that felt my post in question was pervy. Some seem to feel that Mike’s post was totally fine and mine was pervy. That confuses me greatly. I would appreciate clarification on that.

I am going to do some reflecting on it and I welcome input, especially from our female posters and those who disagree with me, but I will read all of it and will speak to women in my life and see if they find what I said to be inappropriate or off-putting. I will not post in this thread for a while, at least a day or two, and will instead be listening and attempting to grow. I am saddened that it is possible that I was making people uncomfortable.

I promise to read and reflect on everything that is posted here. Again, I’m truly sorry if anyone was offended or uncomfortable based on my post in question and I hope to grow from the experience if it was, in fact, out of line.

Hopefully that’s not the case, but either way I have nothing to lose by taking a time out to to think about it and plenty to gain. I’ve had to reflect and grow in the past to become a better person who better understands how to be a good ally, and I’m sure this won’t be the last time either. But I try to do my best. Even if I’m in the right on this, removing myself from the thread will probably improve it anyway, as my presence leads to attacks on me that I lack the self-discipline to avoid responding to.

To the community, I’m sorry for my lack of discipline in responding to that stuff. My combative nature on this issues can be a good thing in some cases, but a bad thing as well when it leads to details or I’m just being rude to no end. For example, it was a bad reason to derail this thread. That was selfish behavior on my part, because I put defending myself above addressing this issue in the community. I apologize.

To @Jalfrezi I’m sorry I continued our mudslinging in this thread, that was inappropriate and I apologize. I should have bit my tongue. Perhaps you were right to criticize me and I will reflect on that as well.

To @MikeLikesOrgies I apologize if I was too harsh. I was too eager to dunk on you and shame you for your posting, too quick to try to make fun of you in this thread, and I could have done a better job focusing on explaining why I found your post to be out of line. I do believe in calling stuff out aggressively and shaming bad behavior, but I must also do a better job explaining the issues and trying to convince people of why they should change. Instead I made fun of you. I’m sorry.

  • cuse

Ruff ruff ruff! Woof woof woof!


Pete’s going to do a great job in Biden’s cabinet.

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I see that how this thread has devolved is a pretty good sign that most of us have a lot of introspection to do.


Lol. I am now sad that badpostingdog has never responded to any of my posts.