UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Rugby can choose whichever form of communication Rugby is most comfortable with to address your problematic posting.

There are plenty of ways to acceptably comment on the attractiveness of women other than making skeevy comments.

Would you say that in a workplace around a conference table with 50% women? Then why is it okay to say here?

Would you go up to a group of women in a bar and tell them how much you love it when young women move in nextdoor and leave their underwear on the clothesline for you to perv on? Then why is it okay to say it here?

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I think calling it out is a start, at least.


“ insist “ what the fuck are u on dude? Grow the fuck up. I made a joke 2 weeks ago. If offended u, so much u started a thread . I apologized then. It was over. Now your not only bringing it back up, u are tarding up a good thread , one where u have made otherwise quality posts.

And please stop making shit up. I have not insisted on anything . Seriously, telling me to go fuck myself doesn’t scare or hurt my feelings. I’ve heard worse from other manchildren.

And I honestly had no idea somebody had taken a crack about your date getting in the past, but haven’t we all been joked on it n our lives ?

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Hey guys, now that the pool in my complex is open, there are a bunch of beautiful women swimming in it each day. I look forward to a post-pandemic world so that I can go meet some of them, chat by the pool, and maybe meet a cool girl who hates racism, likes cool politicians like AOC, enjoys traveling, likes sports, and doesn’t think it’s weird that I post on this forum.

See? It’s not that hard to comment on having beautiful women around without totally objectifying them and acting like a pervert.


Why are u seeking the validation of others so bad? I miss interacting w interesting ,beautiful , foreign women that are on an adventure. It’s standard . Get over it.

You got called out once, you did it again. Less bad this time I guess, but you clearly made a female poster uncomfortable.

Sure let’s throw this one into the grab bag of unacceptable stuff you say, too.

It’s a manner of speaking. You keep doing it = you insist upon. Pretty commonly used turn of phrase.

Yes my point was I don’t give a fuck about that. Say I can’t get a girl, I go home alone every night, whatever. I’m a big boy I can handle it. Don’t be misogynistic, don’t make women here uncomfortable. If you can’t dunk on me without doing that, you’re just not that creative.

I could care less about anyone’s validation. If I cared about how people here thought about me I wouldn’t pick fights over this stuff, it’s unpopular and I am squarely hated by a lot of posters here as a result. When I see something I think is wrong, I usually speak up about it. Whatever happens from there is what it is.

The rest of what you said is fine. A far cry from your original post, and I’m pretty sure nobody would have a problem with it, but I defer to the female UPers to be sure.

Because I have no obligation to make this interaction more comfortable for you.


I’m with cuse. This place is a huge sausage fest. No idea how we fix something like this though.


Is it my fault for mentioning I miss hot foreigners that invade my town or cause I said the word swamp donkey?

It’s your fault for being misogynistic and using an offensive term the first time around, and it’s your fault for saying the second thing in a way that makes women uncomfortable by objectifying them and sounding pervy.

It’s not anyone’s fault and especially not Rugby’s fault for making you uncomfortable.

There’s also implication that you were making these women feel uncomfortable. Staring at them and their panties from upstairs as you and your buddies drink probably isn’t real fun for them, but who knows.

As others have said. Plenty of ways to write the same thing without it being sketchy


Why do u insist n answering questions specifically not directed at u? Don’t u see a problem here? He is capable and proved that by responding to me.

Public forums… How do they work?

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How do u know what’s comfortable for me, or anyone else on a public forum. Could u explain that to me please. The purpose of my ignored pm to u was to not sully the covid thread w this type of thing. My post was was misconstrued by u , no biggy and it could have been straightened out via pm , or simply u goggling what a J1 is.

I did not read anything offensive in Mike’s post regarding the renters. Unless we are not to mention bra and panties. Swinn bikes I read as “Schwinn” but whatever. If MIke’s original post was out of bounds, then I have a lot of self editing ahead cuz I can get fast and loose with language sometimes.


Like i said above. The misunderstanding was whether you were being gross or extra gross.

Also. Writing posts that can be misconstrued as you skeeving after underage girls should probably be a red flag that your posts are bad.

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What was pervy? Shouldn’t u let omen decide what bothers them? Is the store Victoria’s Secret pervy? It’s fukkin underwear dude. Please explain how seeing adults underwear on a cloth line and being a sexual stimulant is pervy?

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Now u are just making shit up because u are dishonest, got the post wrong from the beginning and are too lazy to google J1. Buddies ? Drinking? ? These are fantasies that are in your brain and posts., they are not in mine mind or posts. Why does it pleasure u to simply make stuff up?

@anon38180840 , I respect you a ton and I am an old so maybe the original post flew over my head but I def did not read any subtext that Mike was being skeevy. And if I’m being obtuse or trolling, it’s because I’m concerned that I could easily have written a post like this and would have intended no malice or uncomfortable environment.