UNOfficial Community Vote: Unstuck Politics is a democracy

So no links then?

Oh damn, sounds like you misread or misinterpreted my post again, this link doesnā€™t answer my question at all! Iā€™ve posted it again for your convenience. Iā€™m starting to think your misreading is deliberate, and maybe youā€™re not posting in good faith!

My wife is on the board of a non-profit with an active membership. It is very much not a democracy. Board members are voted on and then pretty much unilaterally make decisions for the membership by board vote. Iā€™d be stunned if your average non-profit (or really any business entity) was an actual true democracy.


Fucken fascists

This is what Iā€™m counting as a democracy. As I just explained above.

I mean it isnā€™t a true democracy but ok. Isnā€™t that how UP at least was set up? Mods were elected and should be able to handle normal activities without a community vote on every little thing? If you donā€™t like the mod you can recall them or vote against them next election.

My personal take is we really donā€™t need moderation outside of the very worst offenses so Iā€™m kind of arguing against my own views on this but my point is that almost every organization is set up the way UP was or even with less democracy.

Yes, that was something like how unstuck was originally supposed to be.

What this vote is about isā€¦ a (yes) vote is a reaffirmation of these OG unstuck principlesā€¦ while a (no) vote is a rejection of all things democracy, and the blazing of a new anti-democracy trail for unstuckā€™s future.

Understood now. Do you get why the vote itself is confusing?

My bad.

Anyone want to claim the @Opus360 account, or have we reached the voter fraud stage of the proceedings?

Thatā€™s a pretty old account, but obv people have cheated on these before.

Also this poll means nothing

Itā€™s usually only one side claiming voter fraud

Lost the fastball I see

Welcome to the forums!

That sounds like representative democracy. Iā€™m assuming her board has bylaws that describe what they can and cannot do, which this place was bad at setting up.

Lost the fastball I see


Now a majority wants to throw in the towel and not even try to set something up. Instead they want to embrace a bold and uncharted anti-democratic future going forward, Bold strategy, indeed. Butā€¦ the election isnā€™t over yet, there is still time for democracy to prevail !

What are some links to discussion forum websites that you or the other ā€œyesā€ voters think this site should have similar rules to?

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I donā€™t plan on voting because I havenā€™t been part of the community for the last couple years.

But I enjoy watching some of the usual suspects flail around and twist themselves into pretzels with idiotic logic because they donā€™t like certain posters.

It sucks that the by product of all this is someone like Keed not feeling welcomed.

But you have to protect the in group and the man baby