UNOfficial Community Vote: Unstuck Politics is a democracy

I prefer a Holy Roman Empire type of model, since mom always told me I looked like a “prince” whenever I put on a coat and tie (I do not wish to wear a coat and tie, however).



This official community vote has nothing at all to do with any particulars, one way or another, regarding moderation policy. Here, again, is what we are voting on… “I would like unstuck politics to be a democracy”? Full stop. In case there is any reason to clarify, notice that the word “moderation” is not even mentioned above.


Lord knows, I can only ask. But how about reading the damn OP, and not to bringing all your old bickering -and- grudges -and- baggage (about who knows what, because I can’t make head-or-tails out of all your perpetual belly-aching) into completely unrelated threads.

You expect us to focus only on your old bickering and grudges and baggage? Bah.

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You, well at least I presume, understand that this is an online community made up of people from places and cultures spread out all over the globe, and not a local joint in a neighborhood you choose to live in or your friend’s house with whom you probably share interests and experiences with. You participate in an online community like this one though - rooted in politics (it’s in the name ffs), at least I presume, with an appreciation that you might run into disagreements about all manner of things, in part bc of those different cultures and experiences. That’s part of the fun, right?

While it’s reasonable that, “don’t be an asshole” has worked for you in the towns you’ve chosen to live in and with the friends you choose to socialize with, presenting that as a standard of behavior management here speaks to a real failure to in any way understand the social systems and personal networks you’re actually a part of, and how the use of such nonsense standards is a potentially dangerous way to categorize people. If you know the Wookie rules of don’t be an ahole (bc ldo who wouldn’t?) you’re good to go, and if not, you’re undeserving. Indeed, the people most concerned with regulating behavior by, "don’t be an asshole” and won’t engage in any specifics are the ones who want to maintain those categories.

spe should work well for the lot of you.

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It’s going great.

So no examples then?

of course, you all know Wookies don’t be an ahole rules. (And you have your anonymous mod force just in case anyone forgets).


Not my rules, but yeah, it’s really not that hard to not be an asshole, unless you really want to be and insist it’s your right to be.

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it’s not that hard to discuss specifics unless you’re interested in keeping kids out of the cool group by hiding the secret handshake

I just directly stated that this official vote has nothing to do with moderation policy. Why are you asking me about examples of moderation policy ITT? Perhaps that’s a worthy topic for its own thread.

There’s no secret handshake. You clearly know the website. You clearly can read it.

Wookie’s no ahole rules are in your head and the rest of us are supposed to know what they are. But I’m sure the group of winners you’ve collected think they’re well acquainted with the rules you’ve got buried in there (and you have your secret mod force just in case anyone gets confused)

Oh unfortunately, it looks like you misread my post, so I’ll post it again. You can disregard the part after “i.e” if you’d like, that’s fine.



As a general statement, not targeted at anyone in particular:

One thing that everyone here has done is agreed to the site’s terms of service.

Included in those terms are the following content standards:

You may not submit content to the forum that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, or abusive.


You may not use the forum to disclose information that you don’t have the right to disclose, like others’ confidential or personal information.

I appreciate that these standards involve subjective assessments, and people might argue exactly where the relevant lines are. But there should not be any expectation that this is a moderation-free site. Moderators are empowered to enforce those standards, and no amount of community voting will change that.

I believe (and hope) that this is uncontroversial, but thought it was worth saying explicitly.


and old screen names*

Pretty much every website run by a membership organization is going to qualify as such. Any club, union, political organization, you name it. The NRA website would be an example.

Can you link us here to the official NRA forums, where their posters vote on the actions and rules of their board in the usual “democracy” ways? I can’t seem to find it!

Well no, I can’t. I just picked a name at random.

However, I know it’s a membership organization. Most, but not all, membership organizations are organized as such: There is an elected board. This board sets policy, and directs the officers. Key officers are often also confirmed by election.

That is a form of internal democracy. The members get to vote on how their website is run when they vote for their board, and when the confirm their key officers.