UNOfficial Community Vote: Unstuck Politics is a democracy

It’s all bullshit. I don’t hate anyone on this site and I don’t care to keep track of the participants in this stupid petty exercise of who the fuck knows what. Ftr I never read the captains thread and couldn’t tell you who’s a captain or what the other team’s name is. My only knowledge is jmakin posted a private conversation and nmnm was born—don’t quote me on that tho. The place was quiet for months before this flare up and could be again if people could check their ego and either not respond or do it the way they think a non-asshole might. Not interested in rehashing to figure out who’s guilty and to what extent, but I’m not without bias and should probably just follow Rivaldo’s lead and limit my input to shitposting and memes.


It is definitely normal human behavior to follow one’s enemies across multiple sites and on social media to highlight anything they have ever said that you can make look bad.

Shocking that the ex-enforcer of “good faith” posting should himself resort to cheap, inaccurate slurs such as this, being fully aware that many people post with each other on more than one site.

You don’t post on SPE, but you have distorted a story you read there in this very thread because you are a freak and a very weird dude. CSO4 got threatened via Facebook by a freak and a very weird dude.

Hahahaha logic a la wookie: my dinner was eaten by a dog. My neighbour has a dog. Ergo…

You have a history of being a freak and recounting tales of very creepy behavioiur.

As always with conservatives, it’s always projection.

If you are relaying that story second hand, it doesn’t make you look any better.

I’ll always look better than the author of some of your posts.

Is this bargaining phase? I am a bit rusty

4. Bargaining

The bargaining stage is about making promises to yourself or a higher being, asking the universe for a chance to put things right. A bereaved person may seek reason where there is none, and may feel guilty about how they behaved, or feel in some way to blame.

“There’s a sense that, ‘Maybe I could have done things differently’,” says Nathan. “If only I’d stopped them leaving the house or I knew more about their medical condition, I could’ve intervened. We may feel helpless and hopeless, and consumed by thoughts of, ‘What if?’”

Doesn’t seem to be match, at least IMO. But enough about me, let’s talk about you.

Since you made this somewhat surprising connection, I can only assume that you are in fact personally processing grief regarding the impending death of democracy here at unstuck,

Is that correct?

lol no I have no skin in the game, friend. I am here to mainly just post things that I either find funny or that piss me off regarding politics. I don’t much care about anything beyond that. I think this is all half hilarious, half stupid and anything I post here should be mocked because that’s what I am doing as well

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But you still voted anti-democracy, If you don’t care, why pick a side?

There could never be a place like Disneyland, or could there? Let me know.

Jim, it’s here. It really is here.

Who the fuck are you

TJs initial two posts in this thread I 100% agree with and is my stand

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Kinda obvious form the name, assuming you remember anything about the people you’ve been posting with for two decades.

To the temple and a great feast or a pool at Bethesda with a pathetic crowd of broken humanity?


Amazing. A website of politics junkies are overwhelmingly anti-democracy. You just can’t make this shit up.

  • It’s like at website for wine junkies… who overwhelmingly hate wine. A website of baseball junkies who overwhelmingly hate baseball. Etc/etc.

  • To be consistent in their views, all these anti-democracy folks should avoid membership organizations in all of their hobby like endeavors, and not treat their politics junkies hobby as an outlier. Like, if they are also wine junkies… they should participate in proprietary winery owned websites, but avoid any stand alone wine lover clubs. Likewise, to play FBB, these anti-democracy folks should use sites like epsn fantasy, but avoid organizing their own private leagues with friends.

  • And of course, the mask is off. All that carrying on about Vote Harder™, all that censorship by hecklers veto for even simply discussing the efficacy of Vote Harder™… that was all bullshit. It was all bad faith. It was all community killing acting out, carrying on, and stirring the dharma. None of these anti-democracy folks can truly believe in Vote Harder™. They are all a buncha liars.

  • And a special shout-out for fatboy8, an anti-democracy folk who is currently running for office IRL. Again… you just can’t make this shit up.


I’m sorry your poll isn’t going the way you thought it would and your days of using community ownership of this site as a cudgel are drawing to a close.

It’s already been pointed out that you don’t mind ignoring democracy here when convenient.

TTHRIC, shut it down already and stop indulging these toxic assclowns.

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Sounds exactly like what took place at UP in fact