UNOfficial Community Vote: Unstuck Politics is a democracy

Democracy isn’t a synonym for voting. You seriously need to work on your vocabulary words. This same confusion y/o ignorance on your part prompted this thread to begin with… when you accidently made a pronunciamiento.

You’d think a mod at a political junkie website would have at least a grade school understanding of the basic vocabulary words used in politics. But here we are. As I’ve mentioned, you just can’t make this shit up.

Also, nice one of these…

You are avoiding discussing the subject matter by this kind of acting out and stirring the drahma pot. As a mod. You should be ashamed.

Not at all. Unstick doesn’t do anything useful, it creates nothing, and serves no purpose. There is nothing being done that requires cooperation to accomplish… as there is nothing being done period.

Consider the ILWU’s recent act of sabotage. The ILWU does do something useful, they do serve a purpose. To keep the ports fluid, an incredible amount of cooperation is necessary. The absentee owners, whose profits require that cooperation, are in a position to be pressured by that fact. The ILWU applied that pressure with a work slowdown.

That doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense at unstuck. If a faction decided to go on a “posting slow down”, that doesn’t apply pressure on any other faction. Nobody would even give a fuck.

There were 150+ demographically and ideologically homogenous left-leaning people here dying to make a political difference to the point that they named themselves after the process of personally digging yourself out of a hole, so of course the subgroup that’s all about collective organizing and direct action quickly wrote them off as useless centrist trash.

You conveniently cut off my first sentence that shows I know democracy isn’t just a synonym for voting but of course we should never believe that you are completely unaware of the absurdity of your replies. You know that your remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But you are amusing yourself, for it is your adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since they believe in words.

Enough games.