Ukraine War: Discussion



Russian soldiers are orcs who shouldn’t be tried for war crimes unless they commit certain acts like rape that are probably covered under some sort of international convention, but who are fair game for all sorts of conventional attacks.

They were volunteers.

You’re really rolling with the idea that these people should be killed, but the part you don’t like is calling them orcs? Please, let me suffer the fate that if someone thinks I should be killed, they call me an orc instead.

Why did the orcs ever take meat off the menu in the first place? Was there some vegan trend in Mordor?

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Ok so you believe that they are just as accountable, or likely more accountable (since they volunteered), for the war in Iraq than kidnaped Russian soldiers are for the war in Ukraine?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ukraine Invasion 2: Russia mobilizes 300,000

If the kidnapped soldier was against the war then he is less accountable otherwise he is equally culpable.

We should really just find wherever @voteforsocialists has gone off to and ask him to make a blog.


As always if I moved a post I shouldn’t have I apologize.

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Cool thread title lol

More completely unbiased modding.

Sir, this is the apologizing for Putin’s war crimes thread. You want “About Moderation” just down the hall that way.

Blind patriots abstaining in large numbers.

Poll is incomplete. Was the Russian conscript pro-war, anti-war or indifferent before he got picked up? US soldier is in the same position as the conscript after he enlists so when and why did the US soldier join the military?

Is a US soldier that joined the military to go fight in Iraq more culpable than an anti-war or indifferent Russian conscript? Obviously yes.

nice ratio

Can this be considered dehumanizing?

Yeah but Joe Biden was against gay marriage before he was for it and he voted to invade Iraq, so I declare checkersmate.