Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This was true of Chernobyl but is not true of this type of reactor, which is a totally different design. You’re also not going to get a Chernobyl-esque criticality excursion with this type of reactor. I don’t know enough about it to know whether a sustained power loss could lead to loss of containment, but I’m certainly not worried about a Chernobyl-style explosion.



I have also been satisfied that that post of mine was in error. Those reactors have containment buildings and other safety features that Chernobyl didn’t have.

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None of which excuses firing on it. It seems like Putin is trying to provoke an active response from NATO.

At a minimum it’s an absolute PR disaster for Russia.

The danger is obvious and firing at a nuclear plant is actually a separate war crime, but the Russians were probably shooting at it because Ukrainian troops were deployed there and there was a firefight.

This should help

Amazing and sobering thread when you think of what’s ahead for Ukrainians.


Uh Lindsey, your friends are fixin’ ta bounce

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I wonder if the designers at Raven had “shootout at an active nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine” on the big board for ideas crazy enough to lead off the next COD game and had to scratch it?

Nice we’ve doxxed NBZ


MW had a shootout at a Russian nuclear silo, CoD still staying just a hair more absurd than reality.

Part of this complains about treatment of individual Belarusians in Europe. Which is valid. Taking your frustrations out on low level people is just another form of prejudice.

Countdown, great map. But also “50,000 people used to live here” in Pripyat and the mafia guy seizing control to kill everyone on earth with nukes is maybe not that crazy now.

Does Lin-Z truly believe the kompromat will just disappear with Putin?

One good thing is I doubt Putin really wants to amplify the Lindsay tweet and put ideas in the public’s heads. Not that they would take him out, but just bringing up the topic for discussion is probably something he doesn’t want.

I bet @jack didn’t consider at the time that his little webpage would end up with a high ranking US government official using it to openly call for the murder of the leader of Russia.


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some of you guys here idolize Kasparov (rightly most of the time), so he also said in an interview today with 24 news channel that WW3 has already started. he didn’t use this analogy, but we are essentially in the timeline right before lousitania or pearl harbor or whatever, and only armed conflict with NATO can stop mass murder in ukraine. putin has never been shy to kill lots of civilians, so why do we think he is going to shy away now?

the only way NATO can avoid getting involved is if somehow ukraine can quickly rout all the convoys and get to most of the missile and cluster launchers. which is very hard, they are currently largely in belarus and russia.

anyway Kasparov is advocating for no fly zones, massive nato mobilization on poland, turkey, and baltics, to at least make the generals think twice if they so much as shift their troops on the border.

i haven’t changed my mind about this since the war started. no fly zone is necessary, especially of civilian casualties from air strikes become into the thousands.
i believe Nato can start creating zones with low chances of engagement in western ukraine and black sea, and squeeze it as RU forces attrite aircraft. not initiating engagement, but daring RU planes to fire first. removed the illuminati petition

I messaged my wife about this as I was at a Raptors game when it happened. She works in nuclear as a mechanical engineer… my first reaction is this is nothing. Her response was quite emotional in nature which is extremely surprising as she doesn’t get emotional over work. She blames the media, this fire is nothing, it’s as if people don’t realize that engineers plan for this and go to school so that when these things happen it’s not some crazy unforeseen scenario


Sorry to be facetious, but what happens if a nuke reactor gets nuked?

(I am seriously glad these reactor design seems to be pretty hardy-thanks to mechanical engineers).